Posts in Holy Week
We Will Get Through This Together

“We will get through this together.” Over the past month, we’ve heard these words spoken countless times by health officials, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and journalists – but also doctors, nurses, grocery clerks, and other essential workers.

As a Christian, these words took on new meaning for me last week as my family navigated Holy Week while sheltering in place.

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ELCA World Hunger: Celebrating Maundy Thursday at Home

Ending hunger goes beyond providing calories. The ministry of ELCA World Hunger and the work we support together is about recognizing the significance of food and the ways it can bring us together with one another, with God, and with all of creation. In the sacrament Christ initiated on Maundy Thursday, we glimpse what the banquet table God has promised for our future might look like.

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Lutheran World Federation: Holy Week and Easter liturgies

Lutheran World Federation offers liturgies for Holy Week and Easter worship in a time of physical distancing, a simplified form of many worshiping traditions within the Lutheran communion and our ecumenical heritage.

In this time of pandemic, we as a communion are particularly called to keep our hearts united as we “watch and pray,” trusting that Christ always comes through locked doors.

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Three ecumenical organizations release unprecedented letter

The National Council of Churches (NCC) joins with Christians Uniting in Christ (CUIC) and Christian Churches Together (CCT) sends a letter to congregations across the United States. View the letter in this post or read at

The letter states, “Holy Week is April 6-12 for Western Christians and April 13-19 for Orthodox Christians.” Christians are then asked to join in specific acts of worship as they celebrate this unprecedented Holy Week and Easter.

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Bishop Eaton issues Holy Week invitation

As three ecumenical organizations unite in an unprecedented way, Bishop Eaton invites us to visit, and join in specific acts of worship with other Christians as we celebrate this Holy Week and Easter in time of pandemic.

View Bishop Eaton’s video, visit the Holy Week page, and read the letter and share.

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