Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Campaign for Kindness: A Preaching Series to Guide Us Through Election Season

As the 2024 election season draws near, the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod offers a unique response: the Campaign for Kindness Preaching Series. Developed by a dedicated group of clergy, this series addresses the anxiety surrounding the election by placing kindness, reconciliation, and faith at the forefront of our discourse.

Recognizing the challenge of addressing politics in the pulpit, the series aims to center the teachings of Jesus, not individual politics. Pastors are encouraged to talk about political issues directly, without fear of partisanship, and to focus on fostering lovingkindness within their communities. The series not only covers the election period but also guides faith communities in reconciliation and grace after the results are announced.

Each week features a carefully selected scripture and prayer, such as Micah 6:1-8 and the Parable of the Good Samaritan, designed to engage congregations in discussions around kindness, humility, and anxiety. The goal is simple: to ensure our congregations remain united in love, even when disagreements arise.

The series begins on suggested October 6, 2024, with weekly sermons and text studies available for pastors and congregations. We invite all faith leaders to embrace this series and help nurture a culture of kindness in their congregations and beyond.

For resources and more details on how to join the weekly discussions, visit the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod’s website. Let’s journey together in kindness this election season.