Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Call For Participants for Thriving Leadership Formation Lay Leader Cohort

  • WHO? Lay/non-rostered people in Regions 1 and 2 of the ELCA (Alaska, Northwest Washington, Southwestern Washington, Northwest Intermountain, Oregon, Montana, Sierra Pacific, Southwest California, Pacifica, Grand Canyon, and Rocky Mountain synods); led by Nicolette Rohr, a lay person in the Pacifica Synod

  • WHAT? A small group brave space for lay/non-rostered people.  Our time together will include an opening ritual, spiritual practice, reflection, commitment to action, and an opportunity to build community. 

  • WHEN? We will gather for 12 sessions, to be scheduled, beginning in 2020 and carrying into 2021.

  • WHERE? We will meet virtually via Zoom. 

  • WHY? We will come together with the intent of creating nurturing, empowering times, spaces, and relationships to support one another in mission, share spiritual practices, and help the church thrive.

If you are interested in being part of this cohort, please fill out this form.

You can also contact Nicolette Rohr (Lay Person, Pacifica Synod) at with questions. 

If you know someone who might be interested in joining the lay cohort, please share this call with them!

This cohort is part of the Thriving Leadership Formation Program.  California Lutheran University received a five-year grant to create TLF.  Working in partnership with Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and 11 synods of the ELCA, the TLF program emphasizes collaborative learning in cohorts that cultivate mutual support, spiritual practices, and accountability.   You can learn more about the program here: