Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Bridging Beliefs: An Insightful Dialogue with ISBA

UPDATED DATE: Delve into a world where beliefs intertwine! Join the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona for an enriching virtual discussion on “Theism and Atheism: A Middle Ground” on October 28, 2023, 6:30pm PDT/MST, 7:30 MDT. Foster mutual respect and understanding through intentional learning and open dialogue with diverse community members. Don’t miss this enlightening journey of knowledge and respect!

The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona (ISBA) warmly invites you to the upcoming ILM Circles Discussion, a monthly learning workshop designed to foster mutual respect through intentional learning. ILM stands for Intentional Learning for Mutual respect and, in Arabic, "Ilm" denotes knowledge. This October, the discussion is themed around “Theism and Atheism: A Middle Ground,” presented by Casey Salas.

ISBA is devoted to constructing peaceful communities by encouraging dialogues among people from diverse backgrounds and faiths. ILM Circles aim to bring together local scholars, leaders, and community members to discuss a plethora of topics reflecting the community's interests.

Date & Time:

October 28, 2023, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (America/Phoenix -7:00)
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom.

This event is FREE to attend. However, registration is required, so please register here.