2023 Update on Portico Health Rates and Plan Changes

What's changing for 2023:

  • ELCA-Primary health contribution baseline rate will increase 3%1, the same rate increase as last year, which was the lowest in eight years. The 3% increase also applies to sponsored members receiving the ELCA Medicare-Primary health benefit Standard option.

  • ELCA-Primary Gold+ option deductibles will increase to $1,500 for member only, $2,250 for member and child(ren) and $3,000 for member and spouse or member, spouse, and child(ren). Coinsurance, out-of-pocket limits, and prescription drug cost-share will not change.

As you prepare to make selections in October, keep these things in mind:

  • The ELCA recommends two ELCA-Primary health benefit options: (1) Gold+, or (2) Silver+ with a monthly employer contribution to the member’s health savings account (HSA). Sponsoring employers (congregations and organizations) will selection the option they will offer their employees Oct. 3-14. Your registered EmployerLink user can access the 2023 Decision Guide and their Custom Comparison Report to help determine 2023 costs and options. Note: any organization that does not make a selection will be assigned Silver+ (A) to offer their plan members the ability to choose the coverage that works best for them.

  • Sponsored members, watch for an email from Portico with specific information about 2023 Annual Enrollment, including when your selection period will be open. Most – but not all – plan members will make their selection between Oct. 20-27.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Andrea Arey, Regional Representative from Portico. She can be reached at AArey@porticobenefits.org or 949-338-9573.