Nominee Biographical Information

Mary Magdalene

Name: Mary Magdalene

Current Position: Apostle to the Apostles

Congregation Membership: Community of Saints

Date of Birth: 07/22/0001

Date of Ordination: 05/01/0033

Previous Positions: Self-employed

Education and Earned Degrees (with institutions and years, most recent first):
Studied with Jesus (non-degree track)

List up to five (5) current or past synod or churchwide activities that would inform your service as bishop of this synod:
First person to see the Risen Lord, Mission Start in southern France

List up to five (5) current or past community-related activities that would inform your service as bishop of this synod):
Healing, exorcisms

What gifts would you bring to the office of bishop of this synod?
Ability to work with complicated personalities; comfortable working behind the scenes without recognition; willingness to let go

What do you see as the principal challenge to this synod in the next six (6) years, and how would you address it?

Describe your leadership style:
Healer, visionary, witness

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
— 1 Corinthians 12:12