Hannah Manzanares

Congregational Membership: All Saints Lutheran Church, Capital Conference

Education/training: High School Graduate; current student at Grand Canyon University

Occupation: Private Music Teacher; Amazon Whole Foods shopper

Life Experiences: I've been raised in the Lutheran church and have always been involved in the church through music or leadership. As a staff member at Camp Aloma, I have experience working with people my age and youth within a religious setting. Currently I teach private music lessons over zoom to those of any age, although my current students are elementary age and college age currently. I have been teaching privately over zoom since the beginning of the pandemic and prior to that I was volunteering at a school to teach violin to 5th and 6th graders. I have lots of experience working with those my age and those younger than me which I believe prepared me to to represent the youth within our synod as a Youth/Young Adult Representative.

Related Activities: For the past two years I have served on the Grand Canyon Synod Council as a Student Representative. I have truly enjoyed my time serving with those on the council and believe there is more I can offer in service to the synod. This is why I am nominating myself to be on the council as the Youth/Young Adult Representative. I have gone to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, and have been a representative on my church's Youth Organization Board. While in youth group, I was very involved and volunteered often. I played guitar and lead worship both within my youth group at All Saints Lutheran Church, and also at Camp Aloma. Since High School, I have been a staff member at Camp Aloma and have lead morning and evening worship.

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