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Preparing Ourselves to Lead with Anti-Racism: Weekly online gathering for ELCA leaders

The Zoom link each week will be posted on the home page of ELCA Coaching, where you’ll also find recordings from each week.

On July 22, we welcome Heidi Kleine, ACC*, ELCA Coach with specialty training in Discipleship and Mission Development/Congregational Vitality, currently serving as the Director of Faith Formation at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Cary, NC, and Emilee O'Brien, recent graduate of Georgetown University, M.A. Educational Transformation, who previously served as the Post Baccalaureate Fellow for Social Justice and Community-Engaged Learning at Furman University, where she developed an intergroup dialogue program.

Heidi and Emilee recently partnered to lead a series of conversations on racism for an affinity group of white women. They will share the story of how they connected and why they feel called to work in this space, the importance of partners, and their advice on how you can get started with intergroup dialogues.

How do we as individuals prepare ourselves to be leaders in this space? How are we as individuals called to be church with all people? How does this internal work transform us as leaders? How can we utilize our platform within our congregations to create space for dialogue that leads to action?

You are invited to join this weekly online gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation. All of this is designed to help us process our feelings in this strange and fearful time and to create a space where we can each name our next most faithful step forward in our unique context. You are welcome to share this invitation with any other ELCA leader, rostered or lay. #ELCAChurchTogether