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Deacon/Lay Leader Track begins: "Best Skills Best Churches" Educational Program

These days, it's not business as usual in our churches.
Become a reliable, knowledgeable partner to help run a successful nonprofit--your church!

Thanks to a partnership with ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona has developed a holistic nonprofit management graduate/executive level certificate program: Best Skills Best Churches. The Nonprofit Management Program is specially designed to empower faith leaders by teaching best practices in nonprofit management to strengthen and grow Christ's church. Graduates earn a Certificate in Nonprofit Management.

Six classes cover volunteers, laws/legal, human relations, marketing, financial management, and fundraising.

Courses are one each month, beginning November, 2019, and ending in April, 2020. One track for priest and pastors runs on Thursdays, another track for deacons and lay leaders runs on Saturdays. The cost is $485 and includes lunch and all course materials.