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Free stewardship seminar: Best Practices for Engaging Generosity in Uncertain Times

You are invited to attend a free stewardship presentation by Evan Moilan, CFRE, entitled “Best Practices for Engaging Generosity in Uncertain Times” via Zoom on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Please register in advance for this meeting. We have a large capacity for this meeting so please feel free to invite your stewardship committees, church councils, and anyone else interested.

Evan works with GSB Fundraising, and recently talked on one of the synod’s Zoom meetings with congregation presidents. His talk generated enough interest for a full seminar of best practices.

Congregations across the country are being challenged to engage generosity in new ways, in these new days.  GSB Fundraising has worked with congregations and organizations across the country for more than 42 years to strengthen ministries to change the world through generosity. Together with their clients they've raised more than $1.5 Billion for ministry. In this seminar, Evan Moilan, CFRE will use historical giving data and new forecasts to share best practices that congregations can engage right now, and over the next few months to ensure generosity not only continues but strengthens in their ministries.