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ELCA Coaching's Courageous Leadership Resumes on September 6 for our 150th Gathering!

Join us remotely via Zoom on Wednesday, September 6, as we celebrate our 150th gathering, hear from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, reflect on BEING CHURCH (March 2020 - April 2021) and COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP (July 2021 - June 2023), and dream together how this space and community can continue to affirm, challenge, encourage, teach, shift, and collaborate with leaders across and beyond the church! The login information can be found below and on the ELCA Coaching website.

Please reflect on these questions prior to, and during, our time together next week:

  • What do you believe cannot be talked about in church or with church people, but that you really need to talk about or that you believe faith communities need to wrestle with?

  • What issues are you and/or your community currently facing, or maybe currently avoiding but could begin facing with support?

  • What doubts and questions do you have about leadership, church, and faith?

  • What are you dreading or feeling anxious about in the coming months and years?

  • What are you hopeful or feeling joyful about in the coming months and years?

And to answer some commonly asked questions:

"How can I prepare?" Courageous leaders pay attention and listen actively. We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity and openness to these gatherings and to all aspects of your life. What are you noticing? What might you be missing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate in the work God is already doing, especially outside the walls of the building where the church gathers?

"What if I'm not a group person?" Courageous leaders take calculated risks. We invite you to take a small step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself to be seen and witnessed. We can almost guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised by the loving, caring, and nurturing nature of community in this time together.

Recordings from prior gatherings can be found here:

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Weekly on Wednesdays -- 11:00am Pacific | 12noon Mountain | 1:00pm Central | 2:00pm Eastern
Meeting ID: 180 439 412
Passcode: 648160