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Apply by June 15, 2023, for PLTS Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

Develop moral, spiritual, and practical power to be an effective advocate for climate justice! The Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith is the flagship program of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary’s Center for Climate Justice and Faith. Join 90 students from 26 countries who have participated this online, two-semester, transcontinental program gaining the skills, community, and spiritual grounding to work for climate justice in their community.

“This certificate program is an eye opener in order to understand climate justice from a faith perspective. It is a timely course for our generation.” Simon Gollo, Certificate in Climate Justice & Faith ’22 from Moyale, Kenya

Topics covered include theology, ethics, and spirituality related to climate justice; climate change knowledge; and social change practices that connect ecological well-being with racial, economic, and gender justice.

Applications for the 2023-24 Cohort are due June 15, 2023. Learn more here: Learn more and get a link to the application on their website, or view this PDF flyer.