Lenten Challenge 2024: Incorporating Daily Wellness into Your Spiritual Journey

As we continue our 2024 Lenten Challenge, let’s explore the intersection of Lent and mental health with daily wellness activities. Commit to self-care this Lenten season by incorporating at least one wellness activity into your routine, enhancing your spiritual journey with physical and mental well-being.

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AFN's February Digest: From Voter Mobilization to Interfaith Iftars

Arizona Faith Network's February newsletter highlights an array of upcoming events and calls to action that encourage community involvement and advocacy. Notably, the Arizona Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Moral March aims to mobilize voters around critical issues, while a series on American Christian Nationalism seeks to educate and engage participants on pressing sociopolitical matters. Additionally, there are opportunities for spiritual enrichment through AFN Monday Meditation and informative sessions on refugee resettlement, all reinforcing AFN's commitment to faith-based social justice and intercommunity dialogue.

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Episode 4, Talks at the Desk Season 3: Black History Month video series

Episode 4 of Talks at the Desk features truth and power from the Rev. Christina Montgomery on the theme of Liberate. We also hear from a collection of other wise voices from Day 4 of the Reclaim gathering from September 2023. Reclaim featured workshops, praise and worship, shared meals and engaged conversations. We also share a highlight from last week in which Black Lutherans share their experiences of being part of a predominantly White church and discuss ways the Church can be more welcoming.

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Feeding Hope: How Bethlehem Lutheran's Community Table Combats Food Insecurity

The third week of the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study focuses on "Christ crucified" and its call to confront systemic oppression. Highlighting Bethlehem Lutheran Church's Community Table in New Orleans, the study explores encountering God in crucifixion and community resilience. It challenges participants to see God's presence in suffering and to engage in acts of compassion and solidarity.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations where war and violence rage, especially Palestine and Israel, Syria, Myanmar, Russia and Ukraine, and Sudan…

  • For cease-fires and for safe return of hostages…

  • For nations in political transition, including Italy and Palestine…

  • For safe and just resolution to protests in Nigeria, South Korea, and across Europe…

  • For those grieving Laken Hope Riley and for the Augusta University and University of Georgia campus communities…

  • For all experiencing unseasonable, unstable, and extreme weather across the United States…

  • For those battling wildfires, especially in Nebraska and Texas…

  • For safety, compassion, and welcome for refugees, asylum seekers, and all migrants…

  • For victims of hate crimes, violence, and abuse…

  • For medical professionals, researchers, and scientists…

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Faith Lens: Changes in Leadership

This week's Faith Lens explores transitions in leadership, coinciding with the retirement of the respected editor, Rev. William H. King, affectionately known as Bill. Bill's tenure saw Faith Lens flourish, becoming a well-visited resource that connected scripture with current events. Welcoming Drew Tucker as the new editor, the post outlines the future of Faith Lens, promising the same valuable insights with a year-round publishing schedule and inclusion of personal reflection activities.

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Nominate young musicians for Lutheran Summer Music

Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) is a residential academy for high school musicians. Students study with nationally recognized faculty, and are immersed in musical experiences through large ensembles (Choir, Band and Symphony Orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, elective classes, ongoing recitals and concerts.

Students also experience a welcoming and joyful community that worships together daily, offering musical gifts through Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 30-July 28 and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Spots for LSM 2024 are filling fast! Nominate a student today at LSMacademy.org/nominate.  

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ELCA Advocacy Highlights Urgent Legislative Actions in February Update

February's Advocacy Connections from the ELCA Advocacy office outlines critical updates on social justice initiatives, including the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, potential funding shortfalls for the WIC program, and legislative efforts to protect human rights defenders. The update also highlights ongoing advocacy for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and concerns over proposed changes to immigration law, emphasizing the ELCA's commitment to social justice and humanitarian aid.

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Exploring the Physical and Spiritual in ELCA's Second Week Lent Study

The ELCA World Hunger's Lent Study for the second week focuses on the theme of Transfiguration, exploring how encounters with God, as demonstrated in Mark 9:2-9, inspire both spiritual and physical responses to injustice. Through stories like Ahmed's, a youth supported by Church World Service and ELCA World Hunger, the study urges a faith that not only transforms perception but also motivates action in the real world, especially in supporting vulnerable migrants.

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Week 2: Good News of Great Joy For All People with Rev. Imad Haddad

Week 2 of “Following the Way of Jesus: A Lenten Holy Land Journey” is: Good News of Great Joy For All People with Rev. Imad Haddad by the Shepherd's Field.

Sumud is the ELCA’s new name for our church’s engagement in accompaniment, awareness-building and advocacy for justice in Palestine and Israel. Sign up for updates about Sumud and upcoming events at: https://www.bit.ly/SumudSubscribe You can also learn more at https://www.ELCA.org/sumud.

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Annual Congregation Reports for ELCA are due Friday, 3/1/2024

The ELCA has revamped the Annual Congregation Report for 2024, consolidating it into a single, more readable form, Form A. This effort simplifies the reporting process, which is now open and accessible, aiding in our mission to understand and plan for the church's future. Your timely submission by March 1 enables us to assess our vitality and resources, so we invite you to contribute to this essential task. Access the easy to use forms and worksheets here.

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