Ordination celebrations: 3/10/2023 – 3/16/2023

This week we celebrate the following ordination anniversaries:

  • Rev. Stephen Talmage, Love of Christ, Mesa, who celebrates 38 years on March 10.

  • Rev. Patsy Koeneke, who celebrates 16 years on March 11.

  • Rev. Bruce Ayers, who celebrates 61 years on March 11.

  • Rev. Steven Crittenden, Epiphany of Christ, Apache Junction, who celebrates 14 years on March 12.

  • Rev. Beth Gallen, New Journey, Fountain Hills, who celebrates 2 years on March 13.

  • Rev. Peter Lai, who celebrates 38 years on March 16.

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ELCA bishops celebrate our women leaders

In observance of International Women’s Day, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, along with the Rev. Patricia Davenport, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Rev. Brenda Bos, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, celebrate and recognize the women leaders in our global Lutheran community. https://elca.org/iwl for more info.

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Faith-Based Global Gender Equity Advocacy at CSW67

You can be and are part of the exciting 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) taking place March 6-17, 2023, in New York City. The Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have assembled and prepared for a delegation and partners to take part in CSW67 both in-person and virtually, including our ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows.

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ELCA World Hunger's 40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Two

Just over two years ago, after decades of working, Susan became disabled. “I was newly poor and relatively terrified,” she wrote. “With literally everything stripped from the budget except a roof over our heads and very modest transportation, the monthly budget showed a balance of negative $5. The meaning of food insecurity became abundantly clear.”

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Faith Lens: Unlikely Friendship

When Detroit Police Officer Marcus Harris II got a call to check in on an individual sleeping at an abandoned gas station, he found far more than he ever expected. At first, Corporal Harris went through the motions, offering the man, Adrian Hugh, a bus ticket back to California.

But after taking time to talk and get to know one another, Corporal Harris and Hugh realized that there was more they could do together than apart.

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/7/2023
  • For peace and an end to violence in our world, especially between Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine…

  • For refugees and all migrants, especially those facing threat of violence…

  • For recovery efforts following landslides in Indonesia…

  • For open access to education for women and girls across the globe…

  • For equitable outcomes from labor strikes in Paris, France, and for all workers seeking just working conditions and fair compensation…

  • For transgender siblings, especially transgender youth, in the midst of political battles, threats of violence, and diminished access to healthcare…

  • For those called to challenge religious, political, or institutional authority for the sake of justice…

  • For those suffering and dying from COVID-19 in our nation and in our world, and for loved ones fearing risk of contagion…

  • That the love of God so fill our deeds and words that our whole life is joyful noise…

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[re]imagine Lent: 3/4/2023

For the most part, living as we do in a wealthy country with virtually anything we could want within a click, it is easy to get lulled into a sense of self-reliance. In fact, self-reliance has become a value in our culture, as we hear of people living the American dream wherein they start with nothing and become anything they want to be through hard work and persistence.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 3/3/2023

This lent, the LWF invites Lutheran churches worldwide to pray for peace in seven countries and regions worldwide. The hashtag #7weeksforpeace will highlight current emergencies and protracted conflicts and how the LWF responds and supports.

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Develop an ‘I can do this’ mindset

Deep breaths, time with loved ones, a good night’s sleep … what are your best practices for keeping yourself centered and healthy?

If you’re looking to expand your toolbox, and you have ELCA-Primary health benefits, check out Learn to Live’s new course focusing on building resilience. Take the initial assessment and then enroll in the self-guided program at no out-of-pocket cost to you: learntolive.com.

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