ELCA Coaching offers Courageous Leadership by topic each first Wednesday

When Jesus began His ministry, He immediately formed a small group. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we gather in small groups for discussion and empowerment in the crucible of change for us as faith leaders. Join ELCA Coaching on April 6, 2022, 11am MST/PDT, noon MDT.

A majority of this hour will be spent in breakout rooms with conversations facilitated by our ELCA Coaches focused on: Growing Young, Grief in our Communities, Personal Grief, Rural Ministry, Urban Ministry, Hybrid Church, Advocacy, Race Relations, Allyship – LGTBQIA+, Conflict, Leadership Development.

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2024 ELCA Youth Gathering location is New Orleans

The 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering will be held in New Orleans, July 16-20. The Gathering pre-events — the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the tAble, the ELCA gathering for youth living with disabilities — will be held July 13-16.

The Gathering leadership team is collecting ideas to help choose a theme for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. Participate in the survey here.

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Additional worship texts for Good Friday and Easter

As we approach Holy Week and the Easter season, you may desire worship texts that hold in tension the joy of the resurrection with the reality of violence and suffering in our world in Eastern Europe and around the globe.

Below are three newly composed worship texts by Gail Ramshaw — For Good Friday, For the Easter Season, and an Eastertide Lament — available for use in your context during Holy Week. Guidance for use precedes each selection.

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PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith launches new site

Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Director of the Center for Climate Justice and Faith, lets us know about their new website at centerforclimatejusticeandfaith.org. The Center, part of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University, connects ecological healing to racial and economic justice. Visit the site and be sure to sign-up for email updates.

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New mural in the sanctuary of San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church in Tucson

San Juan Bautista Lutheran in Tucson shares news of their new sanctuary mural, created over a weekend in a collaborative project with Our Saviour’s Lutheran in Tucson and Casa De La Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones. Read in this PDF or view more in this post.

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Domestic Hunger Grants awarded to two synod ministries in 2022

ELCA World Hunger announced recently that two ministries in the Grand Canyon Synod received Domestic Hunger Grants in 2022: Native American Urban Ministry in Phoenix and Grace Lutheran Church, also in Phoenix. Read more in this post, and learn about the 2023 Grants here.

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Updated ELCA Style Guide reflects shift in use of gendered language

As language continues to evolve around the way we identify ourselves and others, so has the ELCA’s style guide. The most recent shift involves use of gendered language regarding our siblings in Christ, with a focus on ways to ensure that we represent everyone in the church, emphasizing gender-inclusive terminology and using titles and pronouns to reflect and honor nonbinary identities. Download the newest version at ELCA.org/brandmark.

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Allie Papke-Larson: Pouring myself out

Lent is a practice of pouring myself out. An act of emptying out all I have collected in my heart.

Well, at least this is what I am praying for: that I might pour myself out before God and the World, and then be filled up through the promise of Easter.

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Six ways your church can prepare for the “great giving reshuffle”

Carey Nieuwhof’s blog shares a guest post on how economic disruptions may affect ministries, with six steps to get ready for the “great giving reshuffle.” Read the full post here.

  1. Make sure your board of directors is prepared and aligned.

  2. Model privately and publicly your personal resolve to Biblical stewardship.

  3. Care for the souls of your people more now than ever.

  4. Rather than presume pre-existing giving patterns, artfully craft an environment that invites people into a community story.

  5. “Major giver” discipleship and development are paramount.

  6. Retool how you engage new givers into your community.

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Thousands of flags placed to remember lives lost during pandemic

Pastor Rebecca Boardman shares news coverage of two events held at the University of Arizona Mall, with speeches, poems, and songs. The event by the University Religious Council centered around 2,800 white flags placed on the UofA Mall, one flag for every ten Arizonans lost to COVID-19. View the story here.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: March 25, 2022
Recommendations for congregation secretaries

Every congregation requires a secretary. The secretary is arguably the most important officer, responsible for organizing, assimilating and disseminating information within and without the organization. They need to be organized, hardworking and intelligent, with excellent writing skills. In this post (or view as PDF), your congregation’s secretary can find some recommendations/guidelines for performing their duties efficiently.

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