Posts in Worship Resources
Taking Faith Home: A guide for faith-filled conversations

Taking Faith Home (TFH) is an annual resource that provides a weekly guide for faith-filled conversations during the church year. Here are some of its key features:

  • Based on the Revised Common Lectionary used by many congregations

  • Gives examples of each of the Four Key faith practices (caring conversations, devotions, service, and rituals and traditions)

  • Includes a weekly prayer, Bible verse, mealtime prayer, and blessing

  • Offers suggested daily Bible readings and Hymn for the week

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Faith Lens: Personal faith is political

According to Wikipedia, politics, from the Greek politika (“affairs of the city”), is the set of activities associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. It’s jarring to see such a definition because politics is currently far from what it was intended to be.

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Daily devotions during Advent available from Spirit in the Desert

Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center offers an Advent-specific daily devotion via email beginning Sunday, November 27, 2022, and ending on Christmas Day. If you would like to receive a special devotional reflection by Pastor Steve Holm in your inbox each day during Advent, register here.

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Tidings of Comfort & Joy: A virtual Advent of Making program from Spirit in the Desert

Join facilitator Sheri Brown this Advent to explore what faith is making of you this Advent season … and to practice making a few gifts for the world in response. Our Advent of Making will be a season of making peace, making hope, making comfort, and making joy.

Join the Spirit community for a scant hour on Sundays at 4pm MST, 5pm PST. Weekly themes and program details here. The four programs are free of charge, but donations are welcome.

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Faith Lens: Apocalypse Now?

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all have sections where Jesus makes dramatic predictions about things that will happen in the future. Because these things seem to be hidden from general knowledge and are being revealed as special information to Jesus’ followers, they are called “apocalyptic” sayings. These terms “apocalypse” and “apocalyptic” are Greek words meaning “uncovering” or “revealing.”

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Worship Resources for a National Election

The ELCA provides this PDF resource, provided to assist congregations in this time surrounding a national election. The readings, prayers, and assembly song suggestions could be used in settings such as prayer vigils, as part of Morning or Evening Prayer, as part of regular weekly worship in the weeks preceding or following an election, or devotions at home or in other settings.

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German-language Christmas Service at Mountain View Lutheran in Ahwatukee

Mountain View Lutheran Church, Ahwatukee (11002 S. 48th Street Phoenix, AZ 85044) is hosting a German-language Christmas Service on Sunday, 12/18/2022. Singing of Christmas songs begins at 4:10 pm, with the Christmas service starting at 4:30 pm. Watch the live-stream here.

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Faith Lens: Resilient Women

I am in awe of the Muslim women involved in protests surrounding the wearing of the hijab. They are heroes who are showing strength and resilience in the midst of persistent pushback.

One of the things that has struck me is that there is no one, universal stance. Women are asking for the power to choose how to live out their faith. There are women in Iran who refuse to be forced to wear a hijab. And at the same time there are women in India who wear their hijabs despite being banned from doing so.

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Faith Lens: Borderlands

Many physical places serve as a transition between two other spaces. In locations where outdoor temperatures can be frigid, some homes have a vestibule, which is an enclosed entryway that serves as a buffer between the warm interior and the cold exterior. Architects and other designers will often refer to transitional zones as “liminal spaces,” which means being at the threshold of something new but not quite there yet.

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New ELCA resources to support our ministries in a multi-religious world

"ELCA Guidelines for Ministry in a Multi-Religious World" provides general guidance for occasions when Christians and people of other religions come together. Included are recommendations for prayer services, crisis and tragedy response, social ministries, pastoral care, weddings and funerals.

"Preaching and Teaching with Love and Respect for the Jewish People" explores challenging topics, lectionary selections, and Bible passages to inform Christian preaching and teaching so that they respect the integrity of the Jewish tradition and avoid anti-Jewish interpretations of New Testament texts.

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Faith Lens: Too Much Forgiveness?

Right before today’s assigned Gospel reading, Jesus clearly says “you cannot serve God and wealth” (Luke 16:13, NRSV). And in the following verse, the Gospel of Luke tells us that the Pharisees, “who were lovers of money” were upset and “they ridiculed him” (Luke 16:14, NRSV).

And then in this morning’s pericope, Jesus offers this parable about a chasm—the chasm between the rich man and Lazarus. This is the chasm between those who have a hard time seeing past themselves and those who go unseen, the chasm between the lovers of money and those who lose their lives as a result.

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ELCA Worship News: September, 2022
Faith Lens: Heavenly Mansions

Mackenzie Scott, novelist and former wife to Jeff Bezos, both of Amazon fame, is increasing her reputation for generosity with a significant donation to the California Community Foundation. This week she donated two mansions in Beverly Hills estimated at worth around $55 million. The foundation announced that 90% of the proceeds will go toward providing grants for affordable housing. The remaining 10% is slated to be used for programs for integration of immigrants.

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Faith Lens: Be Still, Be Found

A common human experience human is to lose something. Losing something can be very frustrating and produce a lot of stress, especially when you’re in a hurry or it’s a really important item. There are many reasons for why this happens; more often than not, we find the things we’ve lost when least expect it.

But did you also know that it is common for people to “freak out” when they are the thing that is lost?

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