Posts in Letters
Thomas Cunniff: Equal rights and religious freedom

Congress is currently considering two competing bills which would codify civil rights for LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States, the Equality Act (H.R. 5) and the Fairness for All Act (H.R. 5331). The Equality Act has passed the House of Representatives and is now being considered by the Senate. One of the most significant points of dispute is how the two bills would treat religious objections.

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Paul Lutter: At the edges of resurrection

On Monday, April 9, 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged in a concentration camp in Flossenburg, Germany, for his role in a conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler. A week earlier, on April 1, the wider world had celebrated the news that Jesus “is not here; for he has been raised” (Matthew 28:6).

Read more about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s subversive witness in Living Lutheran.

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Bishop Hutterer: Maintaining our vigilance in a pandemic plateau

I used to sell insurance. During that time, I learned that most car accidents occur within five minutes of home. Why? We’re overconfident in a familiar place. The most common collision isn’t caused by another person: it is us driving, on autopilot, into a neighbor’s parked car. Ask me. I’ve done it.

At this point in the pandemic, I believe we are in a similar situation. As we return to “normal,” we think we’re safe, and our old habits return. Tired from a year of pandemic, we stop practicing the vigilance and best behaviors that kept us safe on our long and strange journey.

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From grief to joy: Bishop Eaton's Easter message 2021

Imagine what it must have been like on that first Easter morning when there wasn't the knowledge of the resurrection. When, instead, it was all about death and disappointment. Imagine Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Lord. Hear Bishop Eaton’s message and a hymn from our newest worship resource, All Creation Sings, about the transformation of Mary's grief into joy. Happy Easter!

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Bishop Hutterer: Another Strange Easter

Another Easter arrives, and again, we proceed with hesitance and fear. We struggle with our beliefs. We are unsure how to celebrate. We can feel isolated and separated from each other, wondering if we should leave our homes. In a time of political unrest, we are unsure of the stories we are hearing from the outside world.

And in these circumstances, we are blessed to experience Easter in the same way as the first followers of Christ.

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Bishop Eaton issues statement on gun violence

Together with God, we grieve with the families and communities impacted by gun violence — especially in communities where it is an everyday occurrence. These shootings are not isolated but rather a pattern of the gun violence crisis in the United States.

The numbers of victims tell only a part of the pain — the trauma caused by gun violence ripples across family members, friends, neighborhoods, communities and this country.

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3/31/2021 is last day to take the global survey on being Lutheran

This Lent, Bishop Eaton invites us to participate in the Global Survey on Being Lutheran (en Español: Encuesta Mundial Sobre lo Que Significa Ser Luteran). We also ask that you invite others in your churches to participate. The survey will be open through March 31, and responses gathered will help to shape the 13th LWF Assembly in 2023.

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Transformative Waters: The Flooding of the Umatilla River

During a multi-day warm-up in February 2020, melting snow and heavy rains caused the Umatilla River and its tributaries to overflow their banks. Damage was great and so was the need for a long-term recovery group (LTRG), a common structure in the disaster response community that allows for a holistic response. Read how Lutheran Disaster Response was a catalyst in the group.

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Bishop Hutterer: Remembering Archbishop Óscar Romero

Archbishop Óscar Romero was assassinated, forty-one years ago, March 24, 1980. He is a saint to Catholics and Lutherans, and the unofficial patron saint of the Americas and El Salvador.

I became aware of Archbishop Romero while in Mexico City. I was a student at Luther Seminary at the time, and our class watched the movie Romero. His story continues to impact my view of the world and the church.

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