Posts in Letters
Allie Papke-Larson: A change of seasons

I am ready for a new season, one to comfort and cool our nation’s hot wounds. A season for allowing the swelling to go down long enough for us to feel something besides the pain and see something besides the red blisters.

I am praying for a season change that will be long enough for us to put a balm on our wounds. I am longing for a cold, quiet winter.

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Bishop Hutterer: Welcoming Uncertainty

As Bishop, one of my main goals is to work with all of you to change and grow our church. The year 2020 has been wildly successful in implementing change, far more than anything we could have initiated on our own.

As church and people of faith, we have a huge advantage over most organizations and individuals. Our “product” is eternal and unwavering. The love of God, the good news of Jesus Christ, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit do not cease with the seasons of the world or the actions of humankind.

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ELCA Presiding Bishop issues Indigenous Peoples Day statement

While so many in our country endure a time of suffering and despair, God is present with us as we seek to see more clearly, heal from unrest and renew ourselves and our relationships. The way we talk about people matters. Names matter. Renaming a day matters. Recognizing the original people who have been here for time immemorial matters. Indigenous Peoples Day matters.

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Allie Papke-Larson: Rubber-hearted

I have started to notice a sense of distance between myself and others. My heart sometimes feels like rubber, and human interaction, virtual or otherwise, bounces away, without a sense of connection.

It’s easy for me to go through my days trying to camouflage my way through any interaction. I move quickly, avoiding potentially hazardous strangers, anxious about six feet of distance, camouflaged behind a mask and caution.

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Bishop Hutterer: Our next season of being church

I encourage every congregation and ministry of our synod to take advantage of this disorienting time to intentionally ask God questions.

For the life of God’s beloved world, how can we more fully become the church the Spirit needs us to be? As the Body of Christ in our time and place, what conversations, partners, and resources help us explore the future we are being called to embrace?

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Pastor Jacqui Pagel: Tools of Faith Formation

As the Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy and Faith Formation, I have one of the best jobs. Most of my time is spent building relationships with people to develop good leaders. I get to do my most favorite thing…talk!

It was with great joy that I recently participated in a few workshops: the Faithful Innovative Learning Communities program from Luther Seminary, and the Growing Young program from Fuller Seminary.

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