I have been encouraged to respond to what I believe is an ill-advised statement to “open houses of worship,” given all the evidence that the coronavirus is still spreading. This week, the COVID-19 death toll across our country reached 100,000 souls. To date, infections number over 17,000 in Arizona and over 8,000 in both Nevada and Utah. Over 1,300 people have died in the three states.
Such statistics testify this is not the time to gather in-person. I would sum up guidance to churches in one, simple phrase: “Just because you can gather for worship, doesn’t mean you should.”
Read MoreThe ELCA recognizes June, 17 as day of Commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and a Day of Repentance of Racism. This post by Kelly France is featured as part of a series to call the ELCA to address white supremacy and racism. To find additional worship materials for June 17, please visit elca.org/EmanuelNine.
I love living and serving as a pastor in rural communities on the Great Plains. I have spent most of my life in this environment, and my family has been part of this landscape for generations. My identity is tied to this place, and that comes with complex realities and shameful truths.
Read MoreRev. Jacqui Pagel, Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation with the Grand Canyon Synod, brings greetings, the Gospel, and a sermon for the seventh Sunday of Easter. The Gospel, John 17:1-11, can be found at the beginning of the video. The greetings and sermon start at 2:00.
Read MorePresiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton gives her weekly message during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the gift of God’s creation.
Read MoreDaudi Msseemmaa, the ELCA’s regional representative in East Africa, writes: “During a severe drought in 2008-2009, I spent time in dusty villages where the carcasses of livestock littered the ground and hungry children fainted in class. There was a lot of suffering. But I did not encounter hopelessness, even among malnourished mothers whose couldn’t provide enough breast milk for their infants. They had a saying – God is far, but he is very near.”
Read MorePastor Ben Bergren with Community, Las Vegas shares his writings: “As I write this one of our church members is dying of COVID-19.”
“Most likely by the time you read this, they will have passed. The thought of this both saddens and exhausts me because it reminds me of the selfishness and brokenness of humanity. This is not a political issue at all. This is a condition of the heart.” Read the full article »
Pastor Bergren also shares an article this week entitled “Rehoboam’s Folly.”
Read MoreA thriving church is one so convinced of the resurrection that we’re free to give our lives in service to others. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton shares how the ELCA continues to thrive in country churches, cityscapes and places with no walls in this message for 2020 Synod Assemblies. Watch in our blog post, YouTube or Facebook.
Read MoreIn a time of physical distancing due to the coronavirus, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that we aren’t islands—we are united in baptism.
In her May column, she writes: “We don’t have to go it alone. In fact, we cannot, because, in Christ, we are knit into one body. And just as surely as Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one—this wildly mysterious community of the Trinity—so are we one.” Read her column in English at https://bit.ly/2Wh5fjr and in Spanish at https://bit.ly/2yAdqxW.
Read MoreColter Murphy, Director of Youth and Service at Faith Lutheran Church in Chico, CA, writes: “The North Fork of the Flathead River is the most beautiful river on earth. This, of course, is a personal opinion, but anyone who has spent time on the river would likely agree. The splendor of the North Fork makes it a natural place to talk about the Creator.”
Read MoreRev. Paul S. Tché writes: “I am confident COVID-19 will bring radical changes to our lives. But the difference after COVID-19 would not be as dramatic if we were to colonize Mars . . . or would it?”
“It may be helpful for us—especially many religious folks like me who lack imagination because of our long tradition—to simulate religious practice on Mars to stimulate our creativity and inspire more unique adaptations of post-COVID-19 faith life.”
Read MoreWayne Gallipo, a pastor serving St. Dysmas Of South Dakota, an ELCA congregation inside the walls of the South Dakota State Penitentiary in Sioux Falls, SD, writes: “The men in my congregation come from a wide variety of backgrounds. South Dakota is approximately 87% white and 9% native but the statistics in prison do not even come close to reflecting that ratio.”
“One interesting thing about serving a congregation inside the walls of prison–is that the men that worship at St. Dysmas come from many different religious backgrounds.”
Read MorePeter Severson, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado, writes: “It seems almost trite to point out the deep and intense division in our modern political landscape in the United States.”
“It feels easier to just take it as a given, rather than to ask how it might be reconciled. It is a very tough environment in which to be a church premised on God’s reconciliation and love.”
Read MoreIn this video, Bishop Eaton lets us know how God is working, through a church activated in many new ways. One bishop describes people as having “a cross in one hand, and a bag of groceries in the other.”
Read MoreDuring the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am encouraged by your resilience and creativity in our witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am also inspired by your generosity. This is a trying time for us all.
At the same time, we know that a disproportionate burden of illness, death, discrimination and harassment falls on communities of color. This pandemic has exacerbated racism and racial inequities deeply entrenched in society and across the church. We see this in the growing anti-Asian racism and the disproportionate number of deaths in black, American Indian and Latinx communities.
Read MoreMental illness is not a sin. It is not a moral failing. And it is not a sign of weakness. God wants us to be whole people – emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually – and God will journey alongside us especially as we are feeling depressed, anxious and hopeless. Be well, dear church.
Read MoreWe all want to go back to in-person worship. We also want to be safe. We want our neighbors to be safe. Many have asked me when we can gather for in-person worship.
In a time of so many unknowns with so much at risk, I feel it would be ill-advised to project yet another date. As we decide when to proceed, I suggest we wait for the CDC guideline of a “downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period.”
Read MorePresiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton gives her weekly message during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreI see the sacrifices you are all making: giving up birthday parties, giving up attending funerals, sacrificing your freedoms by staying inside, giving up certainties and plans you once had about your futures, regular schedules that help keep you sane, getting together with those you love.
We are sacrificing these things for our community, to keep each other and ourselves healthy. In a very real way, we are protecting our neighbors.
Read MoreMany of us think of Easter as one day—a day of colorful clothes, full churches, and glorious music as we celebrate the Risen Christ. This year, we did not receive that glorious Sunday we expected.
As we swim through the Eastertide of this year, perhaps we can see we are being gifted with an Easter season rather than just one day, an Easter that continues to expand.
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