Posts in ELCA
For What Shall We Pray? 3/15/2023
  • For all who are anxious for their financial future after this week’s bank collapses and for keen and collaborative wisdom among those crafting policies in response…

  • For peace and protection for our transgender siblings, and especially transgender youth, as 41 state legislatures consider bills restricting and revoking their rights…

  • For a path forward and a renewed commitment to the common good amidst continued political partisan division in the United States and across the globe…

  • For people on the west coast of the United States, Australia, and Kenya who are living with extreme flooding; for those facing threat of sever storms on the east coast of the United States; and for victims of Cyclone Freddy in Malawi…

  • In thanksgiving for recently negotiated peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia…

  • For the people of El Salvador, living under a century of civil conflict…

  • For Muslim siblings preparing for Ramadan…
    For all caregivers who provide for, educate, and nurture children…

  • For all navigating news of pregnancy, expected or unexpected, and for their support systems…

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Faith Lens: Seeing Possibility

Yvonne Shortt is an artist who uses grasses, clay, moss, and other natural materials to create beautiful sculptures of people’s heads.  Slowly over time Yvonne began losing her eyesight because of a rare genetic disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. Her story is part of a documentary called Adapt-Ability by filmmaker James Robinson which highlights how her limitations are really a gift to her art.

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Reinterpreting John 9 

The healing of the blind man in John chapter 9 is one of my favorite healing stories in the whole Bible.  I love this story because in this story Jesus confronts and rejects the common belief that disabilities are somehow caused by sin. 

I commend to you the book A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability by Kathy Black.  Kathy Black is an ordained Methodist minister who has served as the chaplain at Gallaudet University and pastored two churches for deaf persons.

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Nourishing community and cultivating joy in Federal Way, Wash.

If you visit the Saturday-morning farmers market in Federal Way, Wash., you might see Kay (Kyong Yon) Mattingly smiling and dancing with her friends from Dasom Bi-Cultural Cooperation, a ministry of Light of Grace Lutheran Church. The ministry hosts a booth with a variety of Korean goods for sale, but the members also seek to bring joy to those around them – and create it for themselves.

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Roma refugees from Ukraine face racism, discrimination

Mariia Simian, from Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, is living through war for a second time. Just three years old when World War II tore across Europe in the 1940s, she says the memories haunt her.

“I remember everything,” she says. “I often remember. My mother hid our whole family from this horror wherever she could – in the basement, in fields behind the house – because the Nazis were looking for Roma.”

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ELCA World Hunger's 40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Three

In Ghana, water scarcity threatens the lives and livelihoods of nearly 90% of the population. Even in urban areas, more than half the people lack access to clean, safe water. In developing countries such as Ghana, almost 80% of illnesses and deaths are caused by water-borne diseases, which in turn are driven by people needing to rely on unsafe water sources.

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SOFIA: A Ministry Sprung to Life

As part of the latest Stories of Faith in Action, we share a story about the Delaware-Maryland Synod and the North Ave Mission (NAM) community (view online or as PDF). “Everything that has sprung to life at North Ave Mission is a vision of the early community. We’re a mix of worshiping community, mutual aid organization, harm reduction, housing, leadership development, even advocacy. But Family Life is our center and our locus.”

View all the Stories of Faith in Action here, and how your offering becomes mission support.

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ELCA bishops celebrate our women leaders

In observance of International Women’s Day, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, along with the Rev. Patricia Davenport, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Rev. Brenda Bos, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, celebrate and recognize the women leaders in our global Lutheran community. for more info.

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Faith-Based Global Gender Equity Advocacy at CSW67

You can be and are part of the exciting 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) taking place March 6-17, 2023, in New York City. The Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have assembled and prepared for a delegation and partners to take part in CSW67 both in-person and virtually, including our ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows.

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ELCA World Hunger's 40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Two

Just over two years ago, after decades of working, Susan became disabled. “I was newly poor and relatively terrified,” she wrote. “With literally everything stripped from the budget except a roof over our heads and very modest transportation, the monthly budget showed a balance of negative $5. The meaning of food insecurity became abundantly clear.”

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Faith Lens: Unlikely Friendship

When Detroit Police Officer Marcus Harris II got a call to check in on an individual sleeping at an abandoned gas station, he found far more than he ever expected. At first, Corporal Harris went through the motions, offering the man, Adrian Hugh, a bus ticket back to California.

But after taking time to talk and get to know one another, Corporal Harris and Hugh realized that there was more they could do together than apart.

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/7/2023
  • For peace and an end to violence in our world, especially between Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine…

  • For refugees and all migrants, especially those facing threat of violence…

  • For recovery efforts following landslides in Indonesia…

  • For open access to education for women and girls across the globe…

  • For equitable outcomes from labor strikes in Paris, France, and for all workers seeking just working conditions and fair compensation…

  • For transgender siblings, especially transgender youth, in the midst of political battles, threats of violence, and diminished access to healthcare…

  • For those called to challenge religious, political, or institutional authority for the sake of justice…

  • For those suffering and dying from COVID-19 in our nation and in our world, and for loved ones fearing risk of contagion…

  • That the love of God so fill our deeds and words that our whole life is joyful noise…

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