Posts in Covid-19
Help LSS-SW serve neighbors in time of COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to spread and cause alarm worldwide, we here at Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest want to take a moment to step back and consider the work that still needs to be done.

It is our belief that, though times like these can cause panic and disinformation, it also has the tendency to bring out the best in people. We ask only that you consider sharing or donating what you can, and know that we are thankful for having you as part of our community.

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Christ the Lord Lutheran organizes NELM relief drive

Christ the Lord Lutheran, Carefree, (CtL) is organizing a literal relief drive, bringing truckloads of items to Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM). For procedures on how to give and a list of items needed, please read this post in full and use this flyer.

Questions? Please contact Janet Thornhill,, or 240-447-1725.

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Health authority links

Due to the nature of the virus, information is being updated on a daily basis. We encourage you to contact and listen to your local health experts and authorities concerning best practices and the status of the outbreaks in your local context. The following links may serve as helpful resources.

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Distribute FFCRA's new Notice of Employee Rights

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued the required Notice of Employee Rights under the FFCRA. Employers with fewer than 500 employees are required to distribute this notice to all current employees as of April 1, 2020. Employers may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website. Download the notice here.

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Stewardship of gifts

Many members may be concerned about how to support the work of their congregations, synods and churchwide ministries if they are ill or choosing to stay home to reduce the risk of getting or spreading the virus.

A majority of ELCA congregations currently offer online giving as an option for both one-time and recurring gifts; and all still accept checks. For congregations looking for online giving, the ELCA has negotiated with preferred vendors who can quickly respond with options.

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Guidance for funeral practices during a health crisis

From the ELCA Public Health page, Guidance for funeral practices during a health crisis (download PDF) is available, updated March 18, 2020.

How does the Christian community respond to these needs when public gatherings for worship are limited or suspended because of a health crisis such as COVID-19? How do we provide pastoral care to the grieving while also acting out of love for those most at risk in our communities by practicing social distancing?

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Congregational Planning Checklist for Public Health Concerns

From the ELCA Public Health page, Congregational Planning Checklist for Public Health Concerns is available in English and Spanish, updated March 11, 2020.

With the outbreaks of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States, congregations and houses of worship need to be well-informed and well-prepared. A step-by-step approach to prepare for a serious outbreak can be useful.

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How to stream your worship service — A starter guide

From the ELCA Public Health page, How to stream your worship service — A starter guide is available in English and Spanish, updated March 13, 2020.

If you’ve ever wondered how to stream your congregation’s worship or events online, this guide is for you. It’s not comprehensive, and the information contained here may change at any time because the software and hardware are always evolving. But the guide explains how to begin streaming for very little money and with equipment you already own or might borrow.

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Lutheran World Relief in Africa's COVID-19 response

Building on their experience combating the spread of Ebola in places where they are one of the only relief organizations left on the ground, Lutheran World Relief is applying lessons learned and utilizing proven systems already in place.

As governments restrict travel to and from affected countries, LWR staff is in place continuing their lifesaving work to slow the spread of the coronavirus, working with Christian health association partners across the African continent.

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ELCA Worship in the Home: Sunday, March 29, 2020

On March 29, Lutherans commemorate Hans Nielsen Hauge, a lay Lutheran who in early 19th century Norway was imprisoned for years for illegally leading worship in people’s homes. Yet here we are, two hundred years later, encouraging all members of God’s family to join together through home worship!

In this time of world-wide crisis, congregations throughout this church are not able to gather for worship as the body of Christ. While we cannot be together in person, we can hear the word of God and hold each other in prayer. We offer this brief resource as an aid for prayer in the home every Sunday:

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Triduum under Quarantine

Lifelong Christian Formation at Virginia Seminary offers a video and resources on Triduum Under Quarantine: Planning Holy Week Services That Honor Social Distancing.

The Rev. James Farwell, Ph.D., and Lisa Kimball, Ph.D., help imagine (and plan for) Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and the Great Vigil of Easter when congregations cannot assemble in person. Find all the resources, documents and notes at

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Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus

From the ELCA Public Health page, Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus are available in English and Spanish.

These prayers and prayer suggestions may be used or adapted as needed. Know that your local context may lead to additional prayers that reflect local needs and situations. The conclusion of the prayers may be easily adapted when included as part of the prayers of intercession.

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Church Together: Pray the Lord's Prayer at noon, 3/25/2020

ELCA presiding bishop Elizabeth Eaton extends an invitation to join in the Lord's Prayer on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at noon local time.

I am writing to extend an invitation we have received from Pope Francis, through the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches, to join in the Lord's Prayer on March 25, 2020 at noon your local time. Please share this invitation through your synods, congregations, ecumenical communities and individual networks.

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