Posts in Bishop Hutterer
Bishop Hutterer and Lutheran leaders advocate on Capitol Hill

Bishop Hutterer joins Lutheran leaders to advocate on Capitol Hill. Join them in taking action!

Over 80 ELCA bishops, ministry leaders, and advocates from across the nation visited Capitol Hill speaking about critical disaster recovery and environmental needs in our communities. Send your legislators a customizable letter at the ELCA Action Center to illustrate specific disaster concerns with your legislators today!

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Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

I am flooded with joy thinking of the special traditions and celebrations that have just taken place across the Synod this past Holy Week. Thank you for proclaiming the new life and hope of life in Jesus into the hearts and spirits of so many. 

I am also reminded that the very first Easter was something much different. As they went to the tomb, the followers of Jesus might have felt that they were abandoned by God and that death had the last word.

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Bishop Hutterer: Border Reflections, part 2

At La Roca, the shelter I visited last week, children, women and men went to the border and stood in line. Once they received a number they could stay at La Roca while they waited for their number to be called. Cruzando Fronteras (a Lutheran-Episcopal ministry) supports this shelter.

Refugees who have been processed in the U.S. and await their court date are released. In Phoenix last week about 200 were released each day. With ICE lacking the capacity for growing asylee numbers, families have been released to churches in Phoenix for temporary and transitional shelter until they are capable of traveling to their final destination. Currently, there are not enough churches to accommodate the increasing numbers of asylum-seekers, and these families are being released on the street and at bus stations, with no means to continue their journey. Many would label this a humanitarian crisis, and as God’s people we can step in make a difference.

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Bishop's Letter regarding Trustworthy Servants of the People of God document

Dear Church: This past weekend the ELCA Church Council met in Chicago. They decided not to consider for adoption a document entitled, “Trustworthy Servants of the People of God,” which had been recommended to them by the Conference of Bishops. Instead, they chose to refer this document back to the Domestic Mission Unit of the Churchwide office for further work and redrafting in alignment with the social teachings of the ELCA. In addition, the Church Council asked that a process be used by Domestic Mission which intentionally includes more diverse voices, especially those who perceive they were most harmed by the misuse of the current document, Vision and Expectations in the past.

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New pastors are ready to serve

Did you know that after your new pastor or deacon has completed seminary and the candidacy process, they must still complete a minimum of 90 additional hours over the next three years?

Currently the Grand Canyon Synod has five participants in First Call Theological Education: Pastors Abel Arroyo–Traverso, Mateo Chavez, Kimberlee Law, Kathleen Lotz, and David Sivecz. We just completed our spring event hosted in Las Vegas at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church. All together from across Region 2, 40 leaders of the church gathered to discuss Care for Creation and how we live that our in our ministry sites.

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Bishop's Letter: Come With Me

One of my favorite Lenten memories is as a little girl growing up in St. Paul, Minnesota. My congregation, Arlington Hills, hosted a weekly 6:30 a.m. breakfast and bible study to nourish body and soul. On Friday mornings, I would walk to my friends homes to pick them up.   

Looking back on these memories has caused me to ponder the different ways that we invite others to come to Christ’s community.

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Save the Date: Bishop’s Fall Convocation, Oct 21-22, 2019

Bishop Hutterer invites rostered leaders to the Bishop’s Fall Convocation, Monday, Oct 21-22, 2019, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chandler.

The guest speaker on Monday will be Dr. Tod Bolsinger, author of Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory. We are working on getting a copy of this book for each active rostered leader. More information to follow.

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Bishop's Letter: Church and conflict

Back in 1994, before I attended seminary, I was working at a church in the Midwest as the parish life coordinator. In many ways, it was a dream job. I felt called to do this work.

Toward the end of my first year in the position, conflict began to brew. Some church leaders did not agree with how the pastor and staff (of which I was a part) were going about the work of the church and outreach efforts. It was ugly. It felt personal.

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Installation of The Rev. Debbie Royals

View photos from the installation of The Rev. Debbie Royals as Vicar of St Raphael’s, Benson. She is the only native priest in the Episcopal diocese. The parish is a joint Episcopal/Lutheran congregation, and this is the first time both bishops, Bishop Hutterer and Smith, have done such an installation together. Rev. Royals made Bishop Smith’s vestments for the occasion! 

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Bishop's Letter: Living Your Vocation

What is a vocation? I used to think that a vocation was some big thing. A one true grand calling in life with which we are somehow anointed.  But as I reflect on this quote from Martin Luther during this season of Epiphany, I am reminded that this is not the case. 

Any work done in faith can be a vocation. We are all made holy through baptism in Christ to do holy work. 

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