The Transformative Power of the Gospel 

Last Saturday, April 13th, Pastor Miguel Gomez-Acosta and Don Stevens worshipped at Native American Urban Ministry (NAUM), one of the ministries made possible through mission support to the Grand Canyon Synod. 

During worship there is a time for testimony called “Shared Blessings,” where people stand and “testify” of God’s action and presence in life. 

We heard amazing stories of how God had touched people’s lives through NAUM—overcoming addiction and celebrating 3 years in recovery. Being spiritually lost and finding a home at NAUM. Stories of brokenness and healing. One of the leaders shared how not only how NAUM had helped maintain her recovery, but how her life was being pieced back together. She announced she was finally getting her GED at the same time that her oldest daughter was graduating high school. And, she has been awarded a scholarship to attend community college. This education will be a stepping stone for her dream of becoming a substance abuse counselor. 

This is the transformative power of the Gospel! 

NAUM is a Synodically Authorized Worshipping Community of the Grand Canyon. Their ministry is possible only through the multiple partnerships that support their ministry through financial and in-kind donations. The grants they receive from the ELCA Domestic Mission Unit and the Grand Canyon Synod allows them to not only have a dedicated part time pastor that represents their community, but minister to people in Phoenix. 

A big thank you for all the congregations that support the ministry efforts of NAUM, as well as all of our congregations’ mission support that allows us to be in partnership with NAUM. 

We are church together for the sake of the Gospel.