Essential Skills for Youth Workers: August 1-3, 2019 at Cal Lutheran

California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California presents Essential Skills for Youth Workers, August 1-3, 2019 (registration closes Friday, July 26).

Rozella Haydée White is the #LoveBigCoach, one who believes that love and Revolutionary Relationships can heal the world and bring us back to ourselves and to each other. She is the owner of RHW Consulting, which provides life and leadership coaching, retreats, inspirational speaking, and writing that accompanies people as they create and live their most meaningful lives.

Rozella actively works to restore hearts to wholeness so that all cannot simply survive, but thrive. As a writer, teacher, speaker, and public theologian, Rozella boldly engages issues of faith, justice, self-care, mental illness, and the radical and transformative love of God as embodied in the person of Jesus. Her first solo book, Love Big: The Power of Revolutionary Relationships to Heal the World, published by Fortress Press, is available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Indie Bound and will be released on May 7, 2019.

Cost: $250 (includes program, meals and housing)
Commuter fee: $200 (includes program and meals)
There is a $50 non-refundable deposit included in your registration fee.  If you need to cancel before July 15, $200 will be returned to you. After July 15, your $250 registration fee is non-refundable.

Volunteer? Full time? Part Time?  Paid?  We've got a personal and professional development program for you or your youth workers!

  • Connect more deeply to your own context or ministry setting

  • Go home with resources and plans

  • Find space for renewal and rest

  • Build relationships and a network

The format of the event will include three rounds of:

  • TED-style talks on aspects of work with children, youth and families

    • Round table discussions with the speakers

    • Small groups of participants to "translate" content from speakers to your context

  • Workshop space to draft and collect resources to use in your context

  • Large group coaching to develop action plans

Register by credit card.

Register by check:  Send registration form and check made payable to Cal Lutheran and mail to: California Lutheran University, Congregational Relations, 60 W. Olsen Road, #2125, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360