Myrna Wells-Ulland

Congregational Membership: Living Water Lutheran, Scottsdale AZ

Life Experiences: Life experiences in death, divorce, impact of addictions, mental health issues, adoptions of multi-racial and special needs grandchildren. A deep and abiding faith and a love for this church and especially its women's ministry. Professional work experience in health care administration. Congregational leadership positions since 1975 in NE Minnesota, including education, stewardship, and congregational president. Trained in BeFriender lay ministry. President of NE MN synodical women's organization 2 terms. President of Grand Canyon synodical women's organization 2 terms + 1 pandemic year. Local congregational leadership in ministry areas of service and caring, and education. Currently, president of the Churchwide Executive Board of Women of the ELCA for the 2023-2026 triennium.