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Unlocking Easter Generosity: Strategies for Elevating Giving and Engagement

As Lent approaches, churches have a unique opportunity to deepen their congregants' commitment not just spiritually but also through generosity. Vanco, an ELCA preferred vendor, is offering a timely webinar titled "Unlocking Easter Generosity: Strategies for Elevating Giving and Engagement.” Scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 11 a.m. MT/10 a.m. PST, this webinar is designed to help your church maximize this season of reflection and giving.

An effective giving page on your church's website is more than just a tool for donation—it's a narrative about your church's mission and the impact of your ministries. Vanco will guide you through the essentials of storytelling that captures the heart of your church’s vision and shows potential donors the change they can help create.

You'll also learn how to fine-tune your website's donation page in preparation for the Lenten season, ensuring a user-friendly experience that encourages generosity. Furthermore, the webinar will provide you with a strategic plan to promote giving in a way that resonates with your community's unique spirit and values.

Don't miss out on this chance to unlock the potential of Easter generosity. Register now to learn how you can enhance giving and engagement at your church during this important time of the year. Reserve your spot here.