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Spirited Book Club: The Jesus Perspective

Join Spirited Book Club's discussion of its May selection, The Jesus Perspective: A Faith that May Surprise You by Robert Harris. The book is discussed over two 60-minute meetings on Thursday, May 11 and May 25, 2023 at 2pm MST/PDT, 3pm MDT. Click for reviews, bio and registration.

A note from our facilitator, Sheri Brown:

"I am beyond thrilled to report that author Robert Harris has agreed to join our discussion in May when we discuss his latest book, The Jesus Perspective.

Mr. Harris is an eclectic and energetic writer-artist-inventor-and-illusionist. He’s written more than 40 books in a variety of genres and patented several of his inventions. He also writes hymns, paints in acrylics, constructs crossword puzzles, and makes up words. This is not a complete list!

Against the backdrop of these wide-ranging interests and talents, the book itself takes on new meaning. I’m looking forward to learning from Mr. Harris the wellspring of faith out of which the book was written and what it was like for him to write it.

In the meantime, there's more to think about between the covers of the book than the size of this small volume implies! That said, Weighty Thoughts are expressed in lay-friendly language using scriptural references with which we are all familiar. It's an EASY read!

As you read, take note of:

  1. Where Harris makes points that align with your thinking, and,

  2. Where Harris invites you (and me) to do some re-thinking.

We'll have two conversations this month in order to more fully explore these Weighty Topics. Mr. Harris will join us on May 11 and also perhaps on May 25 (schedule permitting).

  • May 11: Chapters 1 - 3 - Bible, Incarnation, Atonement (see what I mean about Weighty?)

  • May 25: Chapters 4 - 6 - Trinity, Resurrection, Assessment"

In this thought-provoking book, Harris critically examines Christianity with the goal of finding out which of its elements are useful, essential, and in alignment with what Jesus actually taught and believed. The result is a fresh and vigorous interpretation of the faith.

How much of traditional Christian belief is actually compatible with what Jesus of Nazareth said and believed? “That’s what I wanted to discover,” writes author Robert Harris. “And when I looked at how traditional beliefs originated, took hold, and developed, it became clear that much of it doesn’t align with Jesus’ ideas.”

In this thought-provoking book, Harris summarizes five years of research with the goal of finding not the faith about Jesus, but the faith of Jesus. And as he methodically strips away centuries of arcane theological arguments and philosophical speculations, a unique view of life emerges. “I call it the Jesus Perspective,” says the author. “It’s the simple and understandable way Jesus saw the Bible, God, incarnation, atonement, resurrection. Sadly, it tends to be overshadowed by doctrines and dogmas and creeds.”

The Jesus Perspective is not just for Christians, but for all who want to learn about faith that’s devoid of pointless theological complications. It’s for all who want to discover a proven method for maximizing their God-given potential.

Join the club!