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Rev. Matthew Metevelis

Congregational Membership: Reformation Lutheran Church, Colorado River Conference

Education/training: B.A. Hillsdale College History/Philosophy Cum Laude 2004 M.Div. Luther Seminary 2009

Occupation: Nathan Adelson Hospice - Chaplain / Reformation Lutheran Church - Associate Pastor for Community Care and Faith Formation

Life Experiences: I have been a chaplain and pastor in this synod since 2009. Hospice work has given me the opportunity to serve many people in a spiritual capacity most of whom are un-churched. Through hospice work I have developed an evangelism based on mercy and compassion and developed skills to help those facing grief and loss. I have written about these ideas and experiences in a variety of online blogs and publications including Word and World.

Related Activities: I have worked with several health care organizations as an ambassador and educator about the realities of the grief process as well as facilitated support groups throughout the valley. I have also been trained by the National Institute for Jewish Hospice. Since 2018 I have also taught Christian Doctrine and Lutheran Confessions for the Diakonia program in Las Vegas.

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