Hymns and Hops Fest

The Hymns & Hops Fest (The Sounds of Summer, Sunday, 9/12/2021, 3-6pm MST/PDT, at Crossroads Lutheran Church in San Tan Valley) brings people together to raise our glasses, raise our voices and raise support to special causes in our community.

Bring your friends and help make life better by supporting a great cause. $5/beer suggested donation. Beer from Insurgent Brewing Company. The proceeds will go to support Hope Women's Center in Coolidge, AZ.

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Office of the Bishop Updates: 9/3/2021

This week the Office of the Bishop team visits congregations, Zooms it up, plans the 2021 Bishop’s Fall Gathering, and presents our Synod Grants Process Presentation (Tuesday, September 7 at 5:00 p.m.).

View all the details for each team member in this post.

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Linda Jacobson reflects on 38 years of mission

Many years ago, Linda Jacobson changed a tire on a rural road near Arusha, Tanzania. She wasn’t strong enough to turn the lug nuts, but she figured out what to do. “I jumped on the tire wrench to turn it,” she remembered. “The car was full of women, and my daughters recall that, as we drove away, I yelled out the window to the group of men watching, ‘Wanawake wanaweza!’ Women are able!”

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Reconciling in Christ pastors and allies meeting

Are you interested in learning more about what it means to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation? Are you already an RIC congregation, and looking for partnership, or other ways to share our RIC commitments?

Join our Zoom meeting on Tuesday, September 7 at 3:30pm MDT/PST! Contact Carly at info@faithalive.com to RSVP, and get the Zoom link!

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Stay informed for youth opportunities

The Grand Canyon Synod has several great upcoming opportunities for junior high and high school youth: Youth Ministry Summit, Campformation, synod high school retreats, scholarships, Lutheran Campus Ministry, and much more.

Make sure your congregation or organization stays informed by letting us know the youth director and youth-friendly folks for your group. Use the form in this post, or send your name, organization and contact info to Pastor Jacqui Pagel: 480-678-4406 or JPagel@gcsynod.org.

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Prayers for Grand Canyon Seminarians
A Cup of Generosity: Not just about money

Generosity is not just about our money. It is an attitude. It is a way of viewing the world. I was sitting watching the news and bemoaning the fate of the Afghans who had supported the US and their possible fate. Like for most people it brought me memories of the fall of South Vietnam and the plight of those who had aided the US.

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Bishop Eaton: Supporting Afghanistan

For nearly a century, Lutherans have been helping to resettle those fleeing harm. As we pray for Afghanistan, we are called to support those arriving in the U.S. by becoming a part of the long welcome for these families.

Support LIRS’ Neighbors in Need: Afghan Allies fund, which will provide food, housing assistance, clothing, and other basic needs for our Afghan friends as they await the official services available to them by visiting LIRS.org/HelpNow.

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