“Teens who trust the news they read on social media feel less stress” It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, or – rather – who you trust. Researchers at Cornell University recently published results of a study showing that trust in the news on social media can make a big difference in a teenager’s well-being.
Read MoreJesus starts this part of John with the words “Do not let your heart be troubled.” In the original Greek, the pronoun is plural (like “y’all”) and the heart is singular. Jesus assumes that the disciples, though many, share one heart. They’re a unified community. Whatever may come they’re in it together.
Read MoreThe use of cannabis (marijuana) and whether it should be legal remains a hotly debated issue in our country, with different states reaching different conclusions. One persistent fear is that cannabis is a “gateway drug” leading its consumers to use harder drugs. In an article for Forbes, Dario Sabaghi traces the dubious history of this concern, noting that several studies not only challenge this idea but also suggest that cannabis may also lead users away from opioids.
Read MoreELCA Worship shares their news for March, 2023.
Alleluia! Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!
The ELCA churchwide organization is hiring a part-time Worship intern for the remainder of 2023. Learn more about the position here.
Read MoreAt the Silver Jubilee Celebration, marking 70 years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, Richard Griffin, a Royal Protection Officer assigned to protect her, told an amazing story of two Americans’ unsuspecting brush with fame. The hikers on a walking holiday met the Queen and Griffen in a picnic area, but had no idea who they were.
Read MoreOur current news cycle is full of debates around the validity and protections of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly our transgender siblings. While no one’s lives and identities should be used for political fodder, we many shape these conversations around demonizing trans folks, and more specifically weaponizing what God thinks about the diversity God has created.
Read MoreOn this Holy Monday, I offer the words of Rob Bell, from his book titled, Love Wins.
“Do we get what we want?”
..the answer to that is a resounding, affirming, sure, and positive yes.
Yes, we get what we want.
God is that loving.
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen, Indeed!
The sky is still dark
or maybe it has come
and gone again.
this is a vigil,
but not for Easter.
In one of the mystical traditions of the early church, it was thought that Jesus gave birth – literally – as he died on the cross, the birth marked by the blood and water that flowed from his side. But what, exactly, is born? I’m afraid, sometimes, of this ‘awesome mystery,’ and its implications because of what I sometimes begin to comprehend, even in the merest of glimpses.
Read MoreThis Maundy Thursday, I invite you to reflect on how God has shown up in your own life. Who are the people who loved you into healing and wholeness? Who are those who welcomed you or showed you unconditional love? And who is God calling you to show up for?
Read MoreHad it been up to me, Holy Week would have already ended – with Palm Sunday – the day we celebrated Jesus’ triumph over sin, death, and the devil.
And yet, here we are, edging closer and closer not to a triumphant victory over earthly powers, but to a violent execution and act so selfless and loving that not even the powers of hell could stand against it.
Read MoreA study by Christian publisher Lifeway showed that while most people (66%) say they believe the biblical accounts of the physical resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate, most young people ages 18 to 34 (59%) say they don’t believe the physical resurrection really happened.
Read MoreThis Tuesday in Holy Week, I invite you to consider the times God's resurrection life has surprised you, or how out of a grief experience God created something new.
Read MoreWhat is this week all for? Many of us look at the weekly schedule and see… so many things, and a few worship services on top of them. It can sometimes seem like it’s a bit overkill to do these services.
Yet this is the week. THE week which celebrates God’s unrelenting love, Christ’s solemn unity with humanity and unspeakable suffering, and the Holy Spirit’s persistent gentleness, breathing life again.
Read MoreAs we prepare to enter into Palm/Passion Sunday, I invite you to reflect on the ways that this day encompasses a wide spectrum of human experience: from praise to denial, joy to fear, and palm waving to stone throwing.
Read MoreJesus did not have to suffer. He did not have to endure the mocking, the betrayal, the shame, and injustice of it all. He, though he was God, emptied himself and became obedient to the point of death. And the beauty of this reality about the God whom we worship is that this is the truth of love.
Read MoreI find this Jesus, the suffering servant, to be welcoming and comforting – one who stretches his arms wide on the cross, willingly bearing suffering and evil knowing that the resurrection dawn will certainly come.
Read MoreThis year the suffering servant text struck me differently – struck me almost in the way Rocky Balboa gets struck over and over in the famous movie franchise Rocky.
Read MoreIn anticipation of Palm Sunday, and in the aftermath of yet another shooting, today’s devotion is a poem written b Pr. Katy Stenta. Hosanna, a dangerous prayer indeed.
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