Posts in Resources
Faith Lens: Home Crisis

The American Red Cross announced on January 11 that because U.S. blood supplies are at extremely low levels the country is facing an unprecedented blood crisis.

The agency said that the current surge in COVID-19 infections has caused its no-show rates to increase, as large numbers of people get sick. In addition, blood donations were already around 34% lower than before the pandemic because most blood drives are not being held.

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Public Ministries: Motivation, Resources, Challenges, and the Role of Lay Leadership

As part of their Lutheran Toolbox, the Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia invites you to explore “Public Ministries: Motivation, Resources, Challenges, and the Role of Lay Leadership,” led by Rev. Heidi Neumark.

Via Zoom. Saturday, 2/5/2022, 11am–1pm MST, 10am-noon PST. Open to everyone, $20.00. Register at, click under events.

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Faith Lens: Extravagant Light

We are officially in the season of Epiphany: a season of bringing light. This time was marked at first by the magi visiting Jesus during the first Christmas, but the whole season is set to bring to light the reign of God in our world. It might just be because it’s been a long and dark couple of years, but it seemed like in my area there were more Christmas lights than ever.

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Faith Lens: Alpine Angels of Grace

Seeking safety, refuge, and opportunities for a better life, people fleeing conflict and oppression in various parts of the world sometimes brave the extreme hardships of crossing the Alps from Italy into France. Some of them perish in the effort. All are wary of encountering hostile border patrols intent on repelling their movement. Lately, however, some migrants have been astonished to encounter a different sort of presence in the Alps.

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Remembering the Children: Feast of the Holy Innocents

In July of 2021, the American Indian/Alaska Native Lutheran Association (AIANLA) asked the whole ELCA to remember and lament the children who died in Indian boarding schools in the United States and residential schools in Canada.

As the church observes the Feast of the Holy Innocents*, the Saint Paul Area Synod, the Minneapolis Area Synod, and the Advocates for Racial Equity offer this service of prayer and lament (on Vimeo) for use by individuals and congregations.

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Advent Hymns from Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas

The Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas continues with offerings from around the world: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana, "Re tsamaya Lesedingla Modimo" ("Walk in the Light of God"); Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana, "Come O Come, Emmanuel"; The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia, "How Beautiful"; Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony, "Veni, veni Emmanuel"; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Colombia, "Bella María"; Bangladesh Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church, "E Dhorom Isại Hoṛ"; Malagasy Lutheran Church, "Fa zaza no teraka" ("A child is born to us"); Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine, "Il est né le divin enfant" ("A Divine Child is Born").

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Advent 2021: Week Four Study Guide and Children’s Sermon

We are nearing the end of Advent and the start of that special holiday, Christmas. In the United States, stores have been filled with seasonal music for six months now (it feels that way, at least), garlands and lights are draped over homes and lampposts, and pine trees are adorned with baubles of all shapes and sizes. In many countries, Christmas markets have taken over city squares. As the old carol says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

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Faith Lens: Magnifying Lens

Chances are you are looking at these words on a screen or that you looked at them on a screen prior to printing them out. According to a study released by the JAMA Pediatrics in November 2021, screen time for teenagers has increased during the pandemic from 3.8 hours per day to 7.7 hours per day. The 7.7 hours per day is for recreation (gaming and videos) and social interaction (social media and texting). That does not include online schooling, which can represent another 5-7 hours per day.

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Daily Advent devotions from Pastor Dan Valasakos

Pastor Dan Valasakos, synod council member and pastor at Mount Zion Lutheran in Tucson, shares a book of Advent daily devotions. Each devotions is accompanied with watercolor illustrations by Valaskos. The book is available on the Mount Zion website through these links: Advent Devotional - Daily Advent Meditations, Advent Devotional Printable Booklet (print two sided -flip at short side).

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WELCA Blue Christmas service

Bring your grief, fear and loss to WELCA’s second annual Blue Christmas service via Zoom, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021 at 6pm MST, 5pm PST.

As a community of women, we have committed ourselves to promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. We will gather for prayer, reflection, and quiet music on the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere—the Winter Solstice—December 21. Register now to participate in the Blue Christmas Service.

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Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy plan information

The ELCA has posted guidance for congregations who received ballots or who are otherwise entitled to vote on the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy plan. Please note that this is not legal advice and that, due to the nature of our polity, the ELCA cannot dictate what congregations do.

Click here for the Summary of Select Information about the Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Case, updated December 6, 2021. You can find this and more sexual misconduct resources on the ELCA legal resource page.

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Constitution Workshop materials available

Time to update your congregation’s constitution? You can thank ELCA Secretary Deacon Sue Rothmeyer, our synod secretary Pastor David Brandfass, and Bryan Daum for the valuable information they provided at our recent Constitution Workshop. Click below for resources:

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IRS requirement for churches — Form 8822-B

In a July 30, 2021, news release, the IRS issued a call for entities with an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to ensure that the IRS has the entity’s current “responsible party” on file. The IRS believes maintaining current responsible party contact information is critical to its efforts to fight identity theft and other fraud related to EINs. View the form here.

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