Posts in Resources
The spiritual discipline of rest

For many, taking time to rest—whether it’s an extended retreat or simply a pause in a busy workday—can be a challenge.

“So many of our society’s dominant narratives mitigate against rest,” said Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, a professor of theological and social ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, Calif. “I really think that the capacity to hear the Spirit and to [flourish] as a person are built partly by having rest.”

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A Soul from Minnesota by Allen Nohre: Spirited Book Club

Allen Nohre facilitates Spirited Book Club's discussion of his book of personal essays on family, fate and life titled A Soul from Minnesota. Presented online by Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center.

Click either date for more info and registration: Thursday, 9/9/2021, 2–3 pm MST/PDT or Thursday, 9/23/2021, 2–3 pm MST/PDT.

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Pastoral Guidelines for Inter-Religious Observances of 9/11

This year will mark the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. That day holds great significance for people in different ways including the families of those who died in the attacks and in rescue efforts; those killed because of the resulting military conflicts; and those who are/were subsequently targeted because of their religious or cultural identity.

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Ministry with—not for—youth

Elizabeth W. Corrie’s Youth Ministry As Peace Education: Overcoming Silence, Transforming Violence (Fortress Press, 2021) is a rare work, especially in the field of youth ministry (or, in keeping with the book’s message, “ministry with youth”). Incorporating pop culture as well as theological and historical images, Corrie’s approach is both theoretical, stimulating the mind, and eminently practical, offering ideas that can be implemented immediately.

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Excellence in Leadership cohort begins in September

In the desire to raise up courageous, resilient, and faithful leaders, the Rocky Mountain Synod has created a leadership initiative called Excellence in Leadership. It is a two-year investment, with classes meeting 1-2 times per month, that will provide tools and resources to last a lifetime.

They are beginning a new cohort this September. Find out more information and register on the Rocky Mountain Synod site.

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Teaching Helps for “Short Songs” in All Creation Sings

All Creation Sings includes several short songs that can be taught “paperlessly,” that is, singing together without printed or projected words or music for worship.

This kind of singing is often ideal for small retreats or outdoor settings in addition to weekly worship. This post guides you to several audio-video resources.

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Brainstorming ideas from our 2021 Synod Assembly

At our assembly in June, Pastors Karn Carroll and Jacqui Pagel led the assembly in break-out sessions. In this post, we’ve compiled attendee’s answers to three questions posed:

  1. Think for a moment about someone who might be new, young, or diverse to your congregation, then share with your breakout group, one new idea you could do to welcome them.

  2. Discuss with your group about one new relevant issue your congregation should address and how?

  3. Name one thing that we might connect with: school, business, community.

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Advocacy Summer School

Through advocacy, the ELCA community can create lasting, systemic change. If you want to get involved in faith-based advocacy, but aren’t sure where to begin, sign up for Advocacy Summer School.

The first session will take place on August 11, 2021. Sign up for one session or all five. Each virtual session will include a 30-minute virtual presentation followed by an optional question & answer session for 15 minutes.

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How your website can connect with people post-pandemic with

Would you like to learn more about reaching people through your website? will host a webinar on the subject on July 27 at 11am MST/PDT. Register here., an ELCA preferred vendor, offers a family of digital tools—including easy-to-use websites—to help increase giving, manage congregational membership data and engage members, with special pricing for ELCA congregations.

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