Posts in Region 2
Together We Thrive: Leadership Formation Cohorts Forming Now

Embark on a journey of spiritual enrichment and communal strength with Thriving Leadership Formation Cohorts. Dive into specialized groups catering to diverse leaders, all grounded in nurturing practices and collective growth. No cost, just community. Discover your cohort, especially the Grand Canyon Synod cohort led by Pastor Lourdes Olson.

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Unconditional Love Leads the Way: Bishop-elect Jeff Johnson’s Inspiring Journey

Discover the inspiring story of Bishop-elect Jeff Johnson, a man shaped by adversity, community, and an unwavering belief in God's unconditional love. In an era craving genuine connection and hope, Johnson stands as a testament to resilience and inclusivity.

Read about his profound commitment to social justice, his vision for a church that embraces all, and his upcoming installation as bishop in the Sierra Pacific Synod in Living Lutheran's latest feature. Dive into a narrative of transformation and hope for a future where love knows no bounds.

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Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Thriving Leadership Formation Opportunities

Discover enriching cohort opportunities from Cal Lutheran’s Thriving Leadership Formation designed for church leaders. From rostered leaders in part-time ministry to women-identified leaders under 40 and youth ministry enthusiasts, there's a community waiting for you. Dive deep into spiritual practices and nurture your leadership prowess.

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Aloha Spirit: Kihei Lutheran Church Aids Maui Wildfire Recovery

Members of Kihei Lutheran Church are providing much-needed relief to Maui wildfire victims, collecting essential supplies and extending emotional support. With a message of hope and resilience, they, along with the Lutheran Disaster Response, are calling for nationwide help to rebuild the affected community. Read more in Living Lutheran.

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The People's Sermon begins August 28, 2023

Revitalize your congregation's preaching with "The People's Sermon," a collaborative program led by Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan for the Grand Canyon Synod. Through six enriching sessions, increase biblical understanding, encourage new voices, and enhance sermonic illustrations. Learn more about this transformative opportunity in this PDF flyer and this post.

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Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Excellence in Leadership Program 2024-25

Embark on a transformative journey with Excellence in Leadership (EiL), a unique program from Rocky Mountain Synod designed to foster courageous, resilient, and faithful leaders. Integrating five key leadership theories and spiritual practices, EiL is open to anyone interested in personal growth and effective leadership.

Registration for 2024-25 is now open; don't miss this opportunity to enhance your leadership skills for the benefit of yourself and the world around you. For more info, view a PDF flyer, watch this video, or read on. 18 month programs will run September 2023 - March 2025, 13 month program will run January 2024 - January 2025.

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California Lutheran’s Thriving Leadership Formation: Call for New Cohort Leaders

Thriving Leadership Formation is seeking leaders for our next round of Contemplative Action Groups. Leaders receive a stipend of $2,500. A job description can be found here.

Leaders will receive training in spiritual practices, the Enneagram, and access to other resources for spiritual leadership and support. If you are interested in leading a cohort, please complete this interest form

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2023 ELCA Foundation report

Our regional gift planners Lisa Higginbotham and Josh Kerney share the 2023 annual report for the ELCA Foundation as a PDF, a video, and in this blog post.

The vision of the ELCA Foundation is to be a thriving ministry that develops a culture of intentional generosity and financial stewardship to expand the work of the ELCA. Our mission is to support and sustain ELCA ministries by enhancing gifting capacity and stewarding resources.

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Apply by June 15, 2023, for PLTS Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

Develop moral, spiritual, and practical power to be an effective advocate for climate justice! The Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith is the flagship program of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary’s Center for Climate Justice and Faith. Applications for the 2023-24 Cohort are due June 15, 2023. Learn more here: Learn more and get a link to the application on their website, or view this PDF flyer.

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2023 Inside Out Network (ION) report

Thanks to support from the Grand Canyon Synod and many others, the Inside Out Network (ION) continues to provide our one-of-a-kind online platform that connects people leaving incarceration with the service providers and ministries ready to provide the help and support they need.

If you haven’t heard about us before: ION is like eHarmony for reentry. Returning citizens and service providers can find each other and message back and forth, even prior to the inmate’s release.

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