Posts in Prayers
Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 26, 2022
  • For those grieving, injured, and displaced after the earthquake in Afghanistan, and for all relief and aid efforts…

  • For the people of Ethiopia, as their nation is torn apart by civil war…

  • For those whose lives have been upended by the war in Ukraine, including civilians trapped in their homes, prisoners of war held behind enemy lines, and those grieving loved ones who’ve been killed…

  • For those organizing and attending Pride celebrations…

  • For LGBTQIA+ siblings who cannot yet feel safe coming out…

  • In thanksgiving for the life and work of Clela Rorex, the first county clerk in the U.S. to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, in Boulder in 1975…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 19, 2022
  • For students of all ages, as another academic year comes to a close…

  • For new high school and college graduates, as they navigate their next steps forward…

  • For citizens of this nation, as we re-visit the events of January 6…

  • For all who gather this weekend to mark Juneteenth…
    For all victims of gun violence and race-based aggression, especially remembering the Emmanuel Nine…

  • For those affected by record heatwaves, rainfall, and extreme weather and for renewed commitment in working toward climate justice…

  • For all struggling to make ends meet amidst skyrocketing costs for daily necessities…

  • For fathers and all who offer compassionate, parental care…

  • For ELCA synod assemblies and for other denominations meeting in their respective conferences and assemblies…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 5, 2022
  • For rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts in Mexico following Hurricane Agatha…

  • For survivors, victims, and loved ones affected by recent mass shootings across the United States…

  • For safety, justice, and freedom from fear for all who live with the threat of gun violence in their communities…

  • For homes, communities, nations, and international relationships to be filled with peace and understanding…
    For our Jewish neighbors as they celebrate Shavuot and the gift of God’s law to Moses…

  • With thanksgiving for the gifts of LGBTQIA2S+ people in the church and across our society…

  • For an end to homophobia, transphobia, and gender-based discrimination…

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Gerrish family update: One out, two to go!

We share this news from Paul Gerrish that his son, Stephen, is out of the hospital. We continue to pray for the Gerrish family. Read more in our initial post, visit their GoFundMe page, and get CaringBridge health updates for Justin and Katherine, who remain recovering in the hospital.

By your power, great God, our Lord Jesus healed the sick and gave new hope to the hopeless. Though we cannot command or possess your power, we pray for those who want to be healed. Mend their wounds, soothe fevered brows, and make broken people whole again. Help us to wel-come every healing as a sign that, though death is against us, you are for us, and have promised renewed and risen life in Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

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A Prayer for Memorial Day

O God of life, you are older than time. You have seen generations who have died through sacrifice, war, courage and folly. You have comforted generations who mourned and grieved and sang solemn songs and laid flowers on graves. Gather us in your embrace and cradle us with your compassion. As we remember those who have died in past wars and conflicts, help us to remember that you were there when the mountains were formed. You were there to sooth our grief and breathe hope into the hopeless. You are with us still. We give you thanks for life in Jesus and pray that your lives may be reflections of his love. Amen.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: May 29, 2022
  • For victims of the the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and for their loved ones…

  • For all people, families, and communities affected by gun violence…

  • For local, state, and federal lawmakers, that justice, peace, and safety may prevail…

  • For students and graduates at the end of this school year (especially local institutions)

  • For families searching for infant formula to feed their children, and for affordable access to safe, healthy nourishment for all people…

  • For families and friends remembering loved ones who died while serving in the United States armed forces on this Memorial Day weekend…

  • For peace between nations and an end to war across the globe…

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