Posts in Prayers
Prayers for Church of the Foothills, Tucson

We pray for The Lutheran Church of the Foothills in Tucson. We lift up the congregation and Pastor John Lillie, Administrative Assistant Dakota Worden, “Desert Song” Pianist Marjorie Ahlstrand, Organist Ralph Geror, Jr., and Celebration Choir Director Dr. Andy Bade as they celebrate New Life in Christ, seek to love God with their whole being, and love their neighbors as themselves.

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9/2: Labor Day Prayer

On this day we recognize and pray for the work and service people do to sustain their families and benefit their communities and society. Pray that all receive fair wages, work in safe environments, are renewed through times of sabbath, and experience joy and fulfillment in their labor; pray that all those who seek employment will find work and for the well-being, care and support of people unable to work.

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Prayers for Pastor Rick Lawrence

We pray for Pastor Rick Lawrence and his wife Jill, as Pastor Rick begins treatments for cancer which will last through October. Pastor Rick serves Bethany Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, AZ.

Lord Christ, you came into the world as one of us, and suffered as we do. As we go through the trials of life, help us to realize that you are with us at all times and in all things; that we have no secrets from you; and that your loving grace enfolds us for eternity. In the security of your embrace we pray.

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Prayers for Native American Urban Ministry

We prayer for the Pastor Mary Louise Frenchman and all those who are part of Native American Urban Ministry (NAUM) in Phoenix. NAUM is a Synodically Authorized Worshipping Community (SAWC) of the Grand Canyon Synod. Their ministry is possible through the grants they receive from the ELCA Domestic Mission Unit and the Grand Canyon Synod.

We particularly give thanks to God for the elders among us. We are graced by their wisdom and seasoning. We are touched by their knowledge and faith. Bless them, O God, as they are a blessing to us. Pour out your Spirit, that our elders may continue to dream dreams and testify to the Light of their salvation, Jesus Christ.

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Prayers for Christ Lutheran, Sedona, AZ

We pray for Christ Lutheran Church in Sedona, AZ. We are grateful for the congregation of Christ Lutheran, for Pastor David Brandfass, for Music Minister and Administrator Jim Buchanan, and for the church council: President Chuck Davis, Vice President Randall Moen, Secretary Nancy Oelklaus, Treasurer: Kay Klein, Harold Gorny, Eben Hartzenberg, Margit Larsen, Vel Marcotte, and Jamiss Sebert.

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8/26 Prayer: ELCA outdoor ministry staff in transition

Many of our ELCA outdoor ministry staff are ending their summer of service and transitioning back to school, new employment or other service opportunities in the church. As they work to discern their vocations and futures, ask the Holy Spirit to guide, inspire and equip them to share their faith and gifts with the church and society and to respond to God’s call to service and ministry. 

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8/24 Prayer: Coaches and student athletes

Pray for coaches and student athletes of all abilities as they train for upcoming sports seasons. Pray that they will be safe from injury, experience joy and confidence in their physical activities, and have positive, caring people in their lives to help them cope with the challenges they might face — personal, family, spiritual, social, academic and athletic.

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