Posts in News
Embrace Respectful Recognition: Join Wartburg's Land Acknowledgement Workshop

Discover how to create and live out a meaningful land acknowledgement in your congregation with Wartburg College's Land Acknowledgement Workshop on April 22. Gain insights, resources, and inspiration to honor the history and people of the land. View this PDF for more info and use this link to connect via Zoom.

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ELCA Church Council Advances Welcoming and Thriving Church Initiatives at Spring Meeting

The ELCA Church Council convened for their spring meeting at the Lutheran Center in Chicago from April 11-14, focusing on enhancing the ELCA's commitment as a welcoming, thriving, and sustainable church. Key highlights included the reappointment of Rev. M. Wyvetta Bullock, the adoption of new social messages, and updates on ongoing dialogues and initiatives. The council also celebrated the ecumenical efforts and internal governance advancements. Read more at

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ELCA and Episcopal Migration Ministries Team Up to Train Asylum-Seeker Sponsors

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) and AMMPARO, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) migrant ministry, have partnered to enhance training and support for asylum-seeker sponsors through the Neighbor to Neighbor program. This partnership aims to bolster community sponsorship efforts by offering practical support and fostering connections for asylum-seekers in areas such as housing, education, and employment. Read more at

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Sumud and Solidarity: ELCA Discusses New Approaches to Peace in the Middle East

In the ELCA webinar "Go and Tell," held on April 13, 2024, Rev. Rodny Said provided a poignant update from Ramallah, highlighting the current situation in the West Bank. Rev. Dr. Meghan Aelabouni took center stage to discuss effective methods of advocating for justice in Palestine and Israel, addressing frequently asked questions and explaining the concept of Sumud—the ELCA's commitment to partnership, awareness, and advocacy in the region.

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Uncivil Religion

As part of our Creating Space for Conversations series, we share a PDF of an article by Isak Tranvik, Uncivil Religion, from A Chosen Nation?, an issue of Word and World, Luther Seminary’s journal of theology.

Martin Luther King Jr. has entered the pantheon of American heroes, to be sure. But his legacy is contested, especially in his relation to the assumptions of American civil religion, the common ideals of the nation. Perhaps King pushed beyond these assumptions and challenged them to the core with his concerns for the poor and the radical nature of love. —Isak Tranvik

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From Screen Time to Sacred Time: Reimagining Faith Leadership Online

"Christian Leadership for a Tech-Shaped Culture" workshop on April 25th, 2024, offers faith leaders essential tools to navigate the digital age, ensuring technology enhances rather than hinders spiritual growth. Through interactive learning and practical coaching skills, this course empowers leaders to create meaningful digital spaces for their communities.

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The Table: Pioneering Inclusive Worship in the Southeastern Synod

The Table in Nashville, led by Pastor Dawn Bennett, emerges as a pioneering ELCA congregation focused on the LGBTQ+ community's spiritual needs. Highlighting the creation of the first LGBTQ+ Women of the ELCA unit, this congregation’s journey underlines the importance of acceptance, love, and spiritual healing for marginalized individuals within the faith. Read the full article in Living Lutheran.

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Exploring God's Call: Ministry Inspiration in the April 2024 Mission Support Memo

This month’s ELCA April 2024 Mission Support Memo inspires us to wonder how God might be calling us into ministry and explores how two neighboring synods are finding joy and strength in walking alongside folks in discernment cohorts.  Plus, you do not want to miss the opportunity on May 13th to learn best practices in creating and empowering stewardship teams. This is a time of deep appreciation for all leaders across our church.

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University Lutheran's Offering of Letters: Faithful Advocacy in Action

At University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry, a commitment to advocacy led to the annual Offering of Letters event, supporting Bread for the World's mission to tackle hunger through federal assistance programs. This year's focus was the pivotal Farm Bill, impacting SNAP funding and food access nationwide. The congregation's letter-writing party fostered community involvement, educated members on policy, and encouraged direct action. Read more on the LAMA website.

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Lutherans Unite for Creation Care: April's Green Initiatives and How to Get Involved

April's Good Green News from Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) offers a slew of engaging opportunities for congregations to become proactive in creation care, from formulating action plans to participating in national climate discussions. Dive into this month's offerings and see how your faith community can contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

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