Posts in News
Making the Most of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering: Tips for First-Timers

In the latest news from the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, we learn regular registration is in full swing!, with the regular registration fee of $425 per person until February 14, 2024. Discover five easy steps to kickstart your planning, from holding an information meeting to exploring the Getting Ready Materials. Plus, learn about the upcoming registration deadlines and the chance to experience the city before the Gathering at the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza in January.

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Rediscovering Myself at the Well: A Tale of Grief and Grace

In her article for Living Lutheran, discover Maria K. Miller's journey of self-exploration and healing at the "Living Water" retreat in Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. Drawing parallels from Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, Miller's powerful story of emotional release and finding faith in the midst of grief is a testament to the transformative power of spiritual surrender and the healing properties of nature.

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Maximizing Your Year-End Giving: Tips from the ELCA Foundation

The ELCA Foundation's recent Insights newsletter highlights the importance of generosity during this season of thankfulness. It offers smart ways to give before 2023 ends, critical factors to consider when giving, a recorded webinar on estate planning and charitable giving, and information about the Ministry Growth Fund for ELCA congregations and affiliates. Additionally, it spotlights ELCA Good Gifts, offering unique charitable gifts to honor loved ones while making a difference globally.

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‘Blessed Together’: A Tapestry of Faith at the All Saints Sunday Unity Celebration

Join us in celebrating the unity and diversity of our faith at the “Blessed Together” All Saints Sunday event. Members from Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Fellowship, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and Vida Nueva Iglesia Luterana gathered in a vibrant worship and picnic, sharing cultures, traditions, and the spirit of stewardship. We share photos and reflections on the blessing of community, from the joy of baptism to the honored memory of those we've lost.

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Transforma tu Fe en Acción Climática: Curso de Certificación 2024

Potencia tu liderazgo en justicia climática con nuestro programa de certificación en línea transcontinental, disponible de febrero a noviembre de 2024 (PDF). Desarrolla habilidades morales, espirituales y prácticas para impulsar el cambio en tu comunidad. Comprométete solo 2-4 horas semanales para ser parte de un movimiento que fusiona el bienestar ecológico con la justicia social. Aplica antes del 30 de noviembre de 2023.

Empower your leadership in climate justice with our transcontinental online certification program, available February - November 2024 (PDF). Develop moral, spiritual, and practical skills to drive change in your community. Commit just 2-4 hours weekly to become a part of a movement merging ecological wellbeing with social justice. Apply by November 30, 2023.

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Tribal Sovereignty Takes Center Stage at the Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium

On November 13-15, 2023, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) hosts its annual Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium, a virtual event dedicated to the vital discourse on tribal sovereignty. Named in honor of Vine Deloria Jr., a pivotal figure in the American Indian Movement, the symposium is a testament to his enduring legacy in the fight for Indigenous rights. Read more at

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Warmth on a Journey: AFN's Coat Drive for Asylum Seekers

Click here to readArizona Faith Network's latest newsletter for enriching events and vital community updates. Engage in serene Monday Meditation, become informed during the National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, and connect at the ASU Interfaith Social. Participate in crucial meetings and the unique Art Auction supporting incarcerated artists. Plus, learn about the AZ Nonprofit Security Grant Program and contribute to the winter coat drive for asylum seekers. Embrace religious diversity with Diwali celebrations and more.

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ELCA Worship's November 2023 Partner Organization Resources and Events

Discover a wealth of resources the latest roundup of ELCA Worship partner highlights. Engage with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) at their upcoming conference, embrace free musical compositions from the Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival, explore the Institute of Liturgical Studies' focus on combating consumerism through liturgy, and navigate the path to discipleship with Journey to Baptismal Living's new website.

Plus, prepare for the seasons of gratitude and expectation with Music that Makes Community and delve into fresh perspectives on preaching, allyship, activism, and campus ministry with Augsburg Fortress. Join the Calvin Institute in their mission to rejuvenate worship with their grants program.

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Connecting Faith and Advocacy: Takeaways from LAMA's Annual Summit

The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona community convened at the Love of Christ Lutheran Church for an engaging and spirited LAMA Summit. This year's assembly, themed "Advocacy as a Spiritual Practice," not only fortified the bond between advocacy and spirituality but also highlighted key policy focuses: addressing hunger and food insecurity, enhancing voting and civic engagement, and conserving water resources.

The summit, facilitated by Pastor Sarah Stadler, featured story-sharing sessions, strategic planning for advocacy as a daily spiritual routine, and a meaningful invitation writing campaign to legislators for the upcoming Lutheran Day at the Legislature. Read more about the summit on the LAMA site.

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“Sacred Places at the Heart of Communities” Photo Contest deadline is 11/19/2023

Seize the chance to celebrate and showcase the vibrancy and essence of community-serving sacred places across America! Partners for Sacred Places announces its “Sacred Places at the Heart of Communities” Photo Contest, open from October 1 to November 19, 2023, with exciting cash prizes up to $1000. Capture the profound spirituality, community events, open spaces, and services these places offer and share your vision with the world! For submission and more detailed information, please visit Sacred Photo Contest or email

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Spirited Examen continues on Thursday, 11/16/2023

Embark on a spiritual adventure with the Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center as Spirited Examen continues this fall. Dive deep into reflective practices focusing on strengthening your bonds with God, Creation, and fellow humans. Engage in meaningful online sessions every other Thursday through 2023. Discover more about this enlightening journey here.

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From Lamentation to Action: The Role of Faith in Climate Advocacy

In an inspiring reflection from the ELCA Fall Climate Summit, Savannah Jorgensen calls us to acknowledge our lament for the climate crisis while also recognizing God's enduring presence and the hopeful, unifying call to action in Isaiah 43. As we face the realities of environmental injustice and degradation, Jorgensen reminds us that through faith, community, and advocacy, we can spark meaningful change and become a part of the "new thing" God is creating in the world.

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