Posts in News
Mission Plan Presentations

All members of the Grand Canyon Synod are invited to participate in a Q-&-A Zoom presentation of the 2024-2025 Mission Plan, hosted by Erik Rehms, our Synod Treasurer, and Barbara Carl, our Synod Vice-President. Each session is the same, with two dates to choose from. View the proposed plan here.

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the tAble | 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

The tAble is a pre-event to the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans for youth living with a wide range of physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities. The Rev. Jonathan Vehar (he/him), the director of the tAble, shares an invitation to be a part of this faith formation event. To learn more about the 2024 Gathering, visit and watch the video in this post.

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[re]imagine Lent: 3/27/2023

It has been a difficult few weeks for me, particularly as I watch the civil rights of my LGBTQ siblings stripped away. It has been difficult to assure my children that it will be ok when they saw the news report of Russia’s downing of a US drone when I have no power to give that assurance. Or to again think of the thousands living in the aftermath of earthquakes and war, to hear stories of Afghani women and girls still banned from education and work.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 3/24/2023
[re]imagine Lent: 3/24/2023

Today is the commemoration of Archbishop Oscar Romero, a Salvadoran priest who was assassinated while standing behind the altar as he prepared to preside at mass. He is known as a martyr and prophet, using his voice to speak out against the human rights violations of the people of El Salvador. As we look at Bp. Romero’s life, it is easy to see that indeed the Spirit dwelt within him, and even with the daily threat of death and violence he continued to speak boldly to the powers that oppressed the Salvadorans.

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Enjoy the ELCA Federal Credit Union ministry card, designed with your congregation in mind

Credit cards are a necessary part of today’s world, but not all cards are the same. As a cost-effective alternative to standard corporate credit card programs, consider the ELCA Federal Credit Union’s ministry card program. For additional information or to apply, contact the ELCA Federal Credit Union.

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[re]imagine Lent: 3/23/2023

Have you ever felt the satisfaction of bringing something to life? Maybe you had an idea that became reality maybe, or a seed (literal or figurative) planted and grown?

I often marvel at the power we humans have to create life, and was struck this year as we have been reimagining different aspects of our faith, how Ezekiel plays a role in this story of the valley of dry bones.

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