Posts in In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Rev. Dale W. Hallberg

We give thanks for the life of Pastor Dale W. Hallberg, who died February 7, 2022, of natural causes. We pray for his family, friends, and congregations he served.

Services will be held Saturday, April 2, 2022, 1pm MST, at Sun Lakes Chapel for All Faith, 9240 E Sun Lakes Blvd N, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. Rev. Thaddeus Book is officiating.

Pastor Hallberg worked to advance civil rights as a community leader, marching with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma in 1965 and being part of a Lutheran delegation sent to investigate conditions in apartheid South Africa in the early 1980s.

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In Memoriam: Rev. Harold D. Stromer

We pray for the friends, family, and former congregations of Rev. Harold D. Stromer, who died January 7, 2022. We especially lift up his wife Kathryn in prayer.

After retirement, Harold and Kathy moved to Sun City West, AZ where he continued his work by serving as interim pastor for Desert Cross Lutheran Church, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Celebration Lutheran Church and Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church.

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In Memoriam: ELCA Vice President William “Bill” Horne

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton wrote to the church, “With much sadness and shock I share with you the news of the sudden passing of Bill Horne, my friend and Vice President of the ELCA. He died Saturday afternoon of a suspected heart attack, according to the city press release. Please join me in praying for his wife Loretta and the rest of his family during this difficult time. We will always remember Bill as a faithful servant of God.”

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A Time of Remembrance, Thanksgiving, and Reflections

A Time of Remembrance, Thanksgiving, and Reflections for the lives and faith and leadership of:

  • The Rev. David Walter Preus, Presiding Bishop of the American Lutheran Church, Parish Pastor, Author

  • The Rev. Dr. Peter Louis Steinke, Parish pastor, Educator, Author, Therapist, Congregational Systems Consultant

  • The Rev. Walter Martin Wangerin, Jr., Author, Parish Pastor, Professor, Educator, Radio Announcer

Thursday, August 12, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Click here to attend the Zoom.

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Prayers for the Defassio family

We pray for the family of Elijah Defassio, who died unexpectedly August 4, 2021. Elijah is the son of the Rev. Dr. Daniel Defassio, pastor at Shepherd of the Desert, Sun City, who entered the church triumphant on January 22, 2021.

We pray for Elijah’s mother Suzy, and Elijah’s family and friends. Read his obituary here, and contribute to a fundraiser here.

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In Memoriam: Beverly Anderson

We join the people of the Southwest California Synod as we offer our care and condolences to the family and friends of Mrs. Beverly Anderson, who passed away on Monday, July 12, 2021. We also hold the Rev. J. Roger Anderson, Beverly’s husband and the first Bishop of the Southwest California Synod, in prayer.

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Prayers for the Bowman family

We continue our prayers for the family of Rev. Dr. Nathan Bowman, Chaplain at Hospice of the West.

Pastor Bowman writes, “Our daughter Moriah departed to be with God peacefully on July 16, 2021. We are having a service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving on this Saturday (July 24, 2021), at Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church in Sun City at 10:00 AM with prelude beginning at 9:45. The service will be followed by a brunch. It is a service open to all, and will include communion.

I wanted to thank you for your support and prayers for all of us during this time. We are at peace, grieving a very precious life, but thankful that her suffering time is over. [Attached] is a working copy of the bulletin that gives a little more history about this journey in our life…”

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In memoriam: Rev. Dick E. Hamlin

We pray for the family of Reverend Dick E. Hamlin, who died Monday morning, May 3, 2021. We especially pray for his wife Jayne.

A service will be held Thursday, May 13, 2021, 2 pm at La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church (6300 E Bell Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85254). Masks will be required indoors. No reception is planned. Livestream available at

Clergy who wish to robe and process will gather at 1:30 pm in the choir room. The color of the day (Ascension Day) is white.

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In Memoriam: Pastor Scott Stein

We pray for the friends and family of Pastor Scott Stein, especially his wife Marjean. On April 15, 2021, Pastor Scott Ray Stein was called to his Savior after a battle with prostate cancer and sarcoma, as well as early onset Alzheimer’s. He was retired from Mount Cross Lutheran Church in Payson.

A Celebration of Life service will take place on April 30 at 4:00 PM MDT. Due to COVID, this service will be for immediate family only, but will be livestreamed for his friends and family far and wide. Website to share memories and for more information on the memorial service including livestream links:

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The Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Defassio: Facebook Live Memorial Service

A memorial service for Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Defassio was live-streamed on Facebook, Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Bishop Deborah Hutterer and Pastor Phil Gustafson were among those who celebrated his life and ministry .

A copy of the service is available on the same Facebook page, Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church, Sun City, AZ. Feel free to share this link with all who would like to remember.

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