Posts in Grand Canyon Synod
Embracing a New Role in Ministry: Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta's Letter to the Synod

In the words of Ecclesiastes 3, “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven….”. It is with mixed feelings that I write this note to notify our synod that I am ending my season as the Director for Evangelical Mission of the Grand Canyon Synod.

Starting on June 22, 2023, I will begin a new season in ministry as the Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism at the Churchwide Office of the ELCA. I will be responsible for setting the vision and leading the team that works on all new ministries and evangelism efforts in the ELCA.

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Lutheran, Presbyterian schools moving to Chicago campus of Catholic Theological Union

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary are moving into available space on the campus of Catholic Theological Union, creating a theological megacampus on the South Side of Chicago.

Each of the three schools will remain independent with its own identity, mission and governance. Read more at Religion News Service.

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Ordination celebrations: 5/19/2023 – 5/25/2023

This week we celebrate the ordination anniversaries of:

  • Rev. Patricia Reed, who celebrates 22 years on May 19.

  • Rev. Richard Glover, who celebrates 64 years on May 20.

  • Rev. Phillip Hausknecht, who celebrates 60 years on May 20.

  • Rev. Mel Soderberg, who celebrates 56 years on May 21.

  • Deacon Laura Book, who celebrates 13 years on May 21.

  • Rev. Daniel Olson, who celebrates 60 years on May 22.

  • Rev. Carl Zimmermann, who celebrates 46 years on May 22.

  • Rev. Wallace Klandrud, who celebrates 68 years on May 23.

  • Rev. Richard Jessen, who celebrates 60 years on May 24.

  • Rev. Ronald Koplitz, who celebrates 54 years on May 25.

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Bishop Hutterer: An Invitation to Boldness

The Synod Assembly is an essential occasion for us to come together, not just as individuals or separate congregations, but as the body of Christ. Our gathering is a time to reconnect, to learn from one another, to share our struggles and triumphs, and to discern the path forward in unity and faith. It is during these meetings that we are reminded that we are not alone, but part of a larger, dynamic community of believers, bound together by our common faith and mission.

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Updated narrative mission plan is available

The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship team has released their updated annual narrative mission plan. This is part of our Proposed Mission Plan for 2024-2025. That full report is available for review in our assembly pages.

We hope you will join us for our final presentation of the Mission Plan prior to Synod Assembly, on Saturday, 5/20/2023, 9am MST/PDT, 10am MDT. Click here to register.

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Last day for 2023 synod assembly registration is Monday, 5/22/2023

Under the theme Be Bold in Your Baptism, we gather at Resurrection Lutheran Churchin Oro Valley, Friday and Saturday, June 9 – 10, 2023, for our annual synod assembly.

Registration is now open. Voting members register for $175 through 5/22/2023. Visitors can register for $100, with ministry partner tables available for $100 as well.

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Best Skills, Best Churches Program open to Grand Canyon Synod leaders

UPDATE: We have 20 spots remaining for pastors, deacons, and lay leaders, especially congregational council members.

Best Skills, Best Churches, offered online, is a graduate/executive level certificate program designed to advance rostered ministers' and lay leaders’ knowledge and skills for effective management of congregations and ministries. Enroll here for Best Skills, Best Churches, which begins July 11, 2023. The cost is only $150 per participant, a $775 value made possible by the 3E Lilly Grant. View a PDF flyer here.

Questions? Contact Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality.

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