Posts in ELCA
Maximizing Your Year-End Giving: Tips from the ELCA Foundation

The ELCA Foundation's recent Insights newsletter highlights the importance of generosity during this season of thankfulness. It offers smart ways to give before 2023 ends, critical factors to consider when giving, a recorded webinar on estate planning and charitable giving, and information about the Ministry Growth Fund for ELCA congregations and affiliates. Additionally, it spotlights ELCA Good Gifts, offering unique charitable gifts to honor loved ones while making a difference globally.

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‘Blessed Together’: A Tapestry of Faith at the All Saints Sunday Unity Celebration

Join us in celebrating the unity and diversity of our faith at the “Blessed Together” All Saints Sunday event. Members from Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Fellowship, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and Vida Nueva Iglesia Luterana gathered in a vibrant worship and picnic, sharing cultures, traditions, and the spirit of stewardship. We share photos and reflections on the blessing of community, from the joy of baptism to the honored memory of those we've lost.

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Tribal Sovereignty Takes Center Stage at the Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium

On November 13-15, 2023, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) hosts its annual Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium, a virtual event dedicated to the vital discourse on tribal sovereignty. Named in honor of Vine Deloria Jr., a pivotal figure in the American Indian Movement, the symposium is a testament to his enduring legacy in the fight for Indigenous rights. Read more at

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ELCA Worship's November 2023 Partner Organization Resources and Events

Discover a wealth of resources the latest roundup of ELCA Worship partner highlights. Engage with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) at their upcoming conference, embrace free musical compositions from the Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival, explore the Institute of Liturgical Studies' focus on combating consumerism through liturgy, and navigate the path to discipleship with Journey to Baptismal Living's new website.

Plus, prepare for the seasons of gratitude and expectation with Music that Makes Community and delve into fresh perspectives on preaching, allyship, activism, and campus ministry with Augsburg Fortress. Join the Calvin Institute in their mission to rejuvenate worship with their grants program.

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From Lamentation to Action: The Role of Faith in Climate Advocacy

In an inspiring reflection from the ELCA Fall Climate Summit, Savannah Jorgensen calls us to acknowledge our lament for the climate crisis while also recognizing God's enduring presence and the hopeful, unifying call to action in Isaiah 43. As we face the realities of environmental injustice and degradation, Jorgensen reminds us that through faith, community, and advocacy, we can spark meaningful change and become a part of the "new thing" God is creating in the world.

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For What Shall We Pray? 11/7/2023
  • For peace in our world…

  • For access to humanitarian aid amidst conflicts in Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, and all places of war and violence…

  • For all refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers…

  • For clean air and for the health of those living under pollution, especially in India…

  • For relief efforts following earthquakes in Nepal…

  • For areas affected by wildfires in West Virginia…

  • For peaceful elections and transitions in government, and for the repair of community relationship…

  • For all who are tasked with serving nations as members of the military, and for those who support and love them…

  • For the spiritual and emotional impact of changing seasons…

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Faith Lens: Listening for Hope

In the wake of recent harrowing events in the world, the latest ELCA Faith Lens explores the complexities of coping with distressing news, seeking understanding, and finding hope amidst despair. Read this week’s Faith Lens for a profound discussion on the importance of empathy, justice, and maintaining faith when confronted with the world's stark realities, and discover ways to find solace and strength through community, prayer, and action.

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October 2023 ELCA Mission Support Memo

ELCA Mission Support’s most recent memo (download PDF) reflects on the enriching "Walking Together 2023" event in Grand Rapids, where over 85 participants from the Northeastern Minnesota Synod came together to share inspiring encounters with Christ. They also share a reminder to mark your calendars for the upcoming webinar on Nov. 27, where Rev. Tim Brown will demystify creating a narrative budget for your community.

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All Creation Sings Resources for Advent, Christmas, and Time after Epiphany

This month we celebrate the third anniversary of All Creation Sings, the worship and song supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship. As you look ahead to the incarnation cycle of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Time after Epiphany), consider these resources to support your new or continued exploration of All Creation Sings.

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Inside Augusta Victoria Hospital: A Safe Haven in a War-Torn Region

In this article from The Lutheran World Federation, Dr. Fadi Atrash of Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem gives a heart-rending account of the dire impact the Israel-Palestine conflict is having on patients and staff. With access to care hindered and the threat of a looming catastrophe, AVH appeals for a ceasefire and urgent international support.

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ELCA Global Links: October/November 2023

Amidst the turmoil of the Israel-Hamas conflict, we stand with our global family in prayer and support. Read the latest Global Links newsletter for updates on the crisis, mission stories of hope, and ways to get involved. They also share mission personnel updates, new Advent resources and the ongoing Truth and Healing Movement.

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Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Alaska Natives in November

In the United States, November is Native American Heritage Month. Racial Justice Ministries would like to elevate the voices and work of our Indigenous siblings by bringing attention to the multitude of events by the ELCA’s Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations. A full list of offerings for this month can be found here, but there are two events that ELCA Racial Justice Ministries would especially like to highlight: the Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium on 11/13/2023 and the 11/23/2023 Day of Mourning. Read more here.

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Reflections on the Israel-Hamas Conflict: Scarcity, Abundance, and Imagination

Confronting the heartbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the ELCA urges a compassionate Christian response through the lenses of scarcity, abundance, and faith. Dr. Peter N. McLellan calls us to witness the suffering and respond with abundant life, extending beyond the political divides and into a realm of shared humanity. Discover ways to support, learn, and advocate for peace and justice in this time of crisis.

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Bishop Hazelwood’s message about the shooting in Maine

As Maine is added to the list of places that have experienced a mass shooting, we in the New England Synod raise our voices with the psalmist to cry out, “How long, O Lord? How long?” How much longer will gun violence ravage lives and rip apart communities?

We also lift up prayers for those affected by this tragedy in Lewiston. Those who have lost loved ones, are injured or in pain, as well as those who are tasked with the difficult work of helping to heal: first responders, medical personnel, chaplains, clergy, funeral directors, crime scene investigators, law enforcement officers, trauma counselors and more. We pray for them and all those affected.

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A Statement from Bishop Eaton on the Conflict in the Holy Land

The ELCA's commitments call on us to denounce unequivocally any attacks — past, present or future — by any party that lead to civilians becoming victims. Our hearts are with all those who have been killed or injured, and with their families and friends. Read the full statement here.

Here are worship resources and ways that you can be involved in advocacy. Join a prayer vigil hosted by Churches for Middle East Peace.

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