Posts in ELCA
AI in Ministry: Enhancing Communication or Eroding Community?

In his insightful piece in Living Lutheran, Ryan Panzer delves into the intersection of AI and the church, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges posed by AI's rise in ministry and its implications for communal faith. As AI tools like ChatGPT gain traction, the church must navigate the balance between technological advancement and the core values of community and liturgy.

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ELCA Advocacy October 2023 Updates, U.N. and State Edition

In October's ELCA Advocacy updates, global Lutherans convened in Krakow, Poland, for the LWF Assembly, with U.N. discussions focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals. Arizona's LAMA hosted an influential retreat, welcomed a new advocacy fellow, and continued their efforts in addressing hunger. Meanwhile, states like California and Colorado witnessed legislative shifts and advocacy initiatives on various topics. Stay updated with these important developments across the ELCA network.

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For What Shall We Pray? 10/24/2023
  • For peace in our world…

  • For all casualties of the conflict in Israel and Palestine and for all in dire need of humanitarian aid…

  • For victims of gun violence, especially in Birmingham, AL; Fairland, MD; Charlotte, NC; Germantown, WI; Louisville, KY; and Gardner, MA…

  • For areas of the United States facing first winter storms of the season…

  • For victims of Louisiana’s I-55 interstate crash…

  • For all in the pathway of landfalling tropical cyclones moving toward Bangladesh, Yemen, Vanuatu, Nicaragua, and Mexico…

  • For ongoing drought in Brazil, and all areas suffering extreme weather…

  • For safe working conditions and fair wages for workers across the world…

  • For renewed hope and comfort for those who grieve…
    In gratitude for the leadership of pastors, bishops, deacons, and ecumenical partners…

  • For gifts of renewal and reformation in our churches and in our lives of faith…

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Faith Lens: A Matter of Perception

In this week’s Faith Lens, explore the intriguing realm of perception, from the color of a dress that once divided the internet to deeper questions about truth and freedom in the context of Reformation Sunday. Explore discussions about personal beliefs, discerning the real truth in an era of "truthiness", and the significance of Martin Luther's 95 theses in shaping our understanding of faith.

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A Message of Hope Amidst Turmoil: Updates from Meghan and Gabi Aelabouni in the Holy Land

In this challenging time, we're relieved to share that Meghan and Gabi Aelabouni are safe in Jerusalem amidst the ongoing crisis. Their poignant update offers a glimpse into the harsh realities on the ground, underscoring the urgent need for peace and the critical role of the local church and the ELCA. For deeper insights and personal narratives from the Aelabounis, access the full story in this PDF. Their courage and resolve shine a light of hope through the darkness of conflict.

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Voices for Peace and Justice: ELCA's Multi-Front Advocacy in a Turbulent World

In the midst of global unrest, ELCA Advocacy's October update from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. delves into critical issues from the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict to vital reforms in Native American housing, the U.S. anti-corruption strategy, empowering young adult voices in migration advocacy, and an active presence in Climate Week NYC. Explore these pivotal developments and learn how ELCA is actively responding to worldwide challenges.

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From Statements to Support: ELCA’s Central Resource on the Israel-Hamas Tensions

Explore comprehensive resources from the ELCA on the current Israel-Hamas conflict, including official statements, global perspectives, and avenues for aid and advocacy. Their dedicated page provides insights, updates, and actionable steps for those seeking deeper understanding and avenues to peace. View at

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Seeds Monthly: ELCA's Resources & Events for a Changing World

Join ELCA in a holistic journey from global crisis response to enriching local community experiences in the latest Seeds Monthly. Discover crucial insights on Israel-Hamas tensions, participate in shaping our message on gun violence, and immerse in spiritual enrichment with Advent resources. Stay informed on upcoming events and initiatives designed for communal growth and proactive engagement.

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Unconditional Love Leads the Way: Bishop-elect Jeff Johnson’s Inspiring Journey

Discover the inspiring story of Bishop-elect Jeff Johnson, a man shaped by adversity, community, and an unwavering belief in God's unconditional love. In an era craving genuine connection and hope, Johnson stands as a testament to resilience and inclusivity.

Read about his profound commitment to social justice, his vision for a church that embraces all, and his upcoming installation as bishop in the Sierra Pacific Synod in Living Lutheran's latest feature. Dive into a narrative of transformation and hope for a future where love knows no bounds.

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International Women Leaders 2023 Back to School Gathering video

A new school year has begun, and International Women Leaders (IWL) scholarship recipients are studying at ELCA colleges and universities across the country. Watch a video of this virtual gathering on October 11, 2023, where a few current IWL students and an alum spoke about how this program has impacted their lives. For more information, or to support IWL, visit

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For What Shall We Pray? 10/17/2023
  • For peace in our world…

  • For all victims of war in Israel and Palestine, and for all victims of war and conflict around the world…

  • For hospitals and other essential resources in Gaza…

  • For victims of the terrorist shooting in Brussels, Belgium…

  • For severe drought and wildfires in Brazil…

  • For all victims of hate crimes across the nation and world, especially in Plainfield, IL…

  • For renewed concern for human rights and the common good, especially among legislators and world leaders…

  • For de-escalation of political tensions in our nation and around the world…

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Faith Lens: Taxing Question

This week's Faith Lens explores the contentious yet necessary role of taxes in society, drawing connections between our civic responsibilities and spiritual obligations. Through historical insights and Jesus' teachings, we examine how our dual citizenship in both earthly and divine realms calls for a balance between societal contributions and upholding the image of God within us. Read this thoughtful journey that reaffirms God's presence in all facets of life, even beyond the church's walls.

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Meet the 2023-2024 Hunger Advocacy Fellows: Voices for Change

ELCA Advocacy is excited to introduce the 2023-2024 Hunger Advocacy Fellows, including our very own Autumn Byars with LAMA. Supported by ELCA World Hunger, these dynamic young leaders are poised to make significant impacts in communities locally and globally. With placements across various advocacy offices, each Fellow brings unique insights and passions, uniting in their commitment to a just world where all are fed. Meet these inspiring individuals in a post at

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A Call for Global Unity: The ELCA's Advocacy in the Central African Republic's Turmoil

Amidst the Central African Republic's deepening crisis, ELCA Advocacy underscores the urgent need for global solidarity and action. Highlighting the turmoil and human rights infractions in CAR, the ELCA calls for robust support for humanitarian efforts and peace initiatives, advocating for a holistic peace that encompasses safety, dignity, and wellbeing for all affected populations.

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Update about Young Adults in Global Mission in the Holy Land

In consultation with partners on the ground, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) made a very tough but prudent decision to evacuate YAGM personnel, including the 5 Young Adults in Global Mission from the Holy Land and the country coordinators. We are relieved to share that everyone is safe.

The images coming out of the news are heartbreaking and we extend our prayers to the Palestinian and Israeli people who have lost loved ones and are living in fear and uncertainty.

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