Posts in ELCA
Lutheran Disaster Response: 2022 in Review

2022 was a full year for Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR). The highest profile event is the ongoing war in Ukraine.

In addition to the war, LDR worked with partners to respond to a wide range of other disasters, including Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, tornadoes, flooding, wildfires and gun violence. Internationally, some examples of responses in 2022 include monsoon flooding in south Asia, migration in Central America and refugees in the Middle East.

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ELCA Receives Lilly Endowment Support to Adapt Youth Faith Formation

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has received a $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the Formation Lab Project.

The goal of the project is to help congregations move past prescriptive, outdated models of youth ministry that often separate youth from the vital faith practices they need if they are to embrace God as the center of their life in today's world.

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Bishop Eaton and Abrahamic Leaders Condemn Anti-Christian Hate in the Holy Land

​We stand together as Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders in the United States to condemn the recent rise in anti-Christian hate in the Holy Land, including the vandalism of a Protestant cemetery on Jan. 1, and graffiti threatening "Death to Christians" that appeared last week both in and near the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem.

These and other actions taken to erase the presence of Christians in the Holy Land, which would be devastating to us all. May the God of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar comfort our Christian siblings in the place we all believe is holy and give us courage as we speak with one voice against religious bigotry.

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Bishop Eaton statement on the ordination of the first female Palestinian pastor in the Holy Land

On Sunday the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) will for the first time ordain a woman into pastoral ministry, Sally Azar. I invite you to join in the celebration by watching this short documentary about what women’s ordination means for the ELCJHL, and the livestream of the ordination service, which will begin at 7 a.m. Central time. 

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Katie Langston: Operation Cookie Conversations

Pastor Katie Langston, pastor of mission and outreach at New Promise Lutheran Church in St. George, Utah, shares her adventures in delivering cookies to the church’s neighbors.

“Operation Cookie Conversations” was the product of the question, “What would happen if we tried to talk to the neighbors near us?”

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 1/22/2023
  • For the safety of women and children kidnapped in Burkina Faso…

  • For those killed by gang violence in Goshen, California and all whose lives are affected by gangs…

  • For people of Asian descent who continue to face anti-Asian hate crimes…

  • For the families of those killed in a plane crash in Nepal …

  • For flooding in California, Western Australia, and all places with too much water …

  • For transgender people who fight for their right to live around the world and especially in Scotland …

  • For chicken farmers battling avian flu in their flocks …

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Repairing homes and spirits

From helping those in need to team-building to deepening people’s faith to improving a congregation’s self-esteem, Resurrection’s disaster-relief ministry is a robust and holistic one. For this Cincinnati congregation, disaster relief is a passion. The 400-member congregation has made 19 trips to help rebuild homes after disasters, including several visits to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

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ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows Devotional: Breathing Out Justice

A specific song came to mind when I began reflecting on Micah 6:8. I often find that when I’m searching for the words to express my thoughts and feelings about something, music is my source of guidance.

These words from the opening of the song Spark by The City Harmonic join breath and justice: When I breathe in hope, And breathe in grace, And breathe in God, Then I’ll breathe out peace, Breathe out justice, Breathe out love, Oh, this little light’s gonna shine With just a spark light a fire…

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins January 18, 2023

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins today, bridging the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul. This year, the resources jointly published by the Commission on Faith and Order of World Council of Churches and the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, have been prepared by the Minnesota Council of Churches. Rev. Dr. Kelly Sherman Conroy, the ELCA’s first Indigenous (Lakota) woman PhD, and Rev. Antonio Machado, were involved in the process.

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Prayers for the Fulfillment of King’s Dream by Rev. Dr. Andrea L. Walker

I was 4 years old when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. I was too young to understand the import of his words while he lived. Yet I remember the importance of those words, his struggles and his assassination to the Black community as I grew up in Chester, Penn. The community felt he was one of theirs. Not only was he a marvelous young African American preacher and civil rights leader, but he was also educated at Crozer Theological Seminary, just up the road in Upland, Penn.

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Faith Lens: The Moment Your Life Changes

Nelly Chiboi grew up in Mogotio, Kenya in an impoverished village. “I know the pain of poverty,” says Cheboi, now 29.  “I never forgot what it was like with my stomach churning because of hunger at night.” Her mom ensured that despite their poverty Nelly received an education. Nelly worked hard in school and received a full scholarship to attend college. She graduated from the ELCA’s Augustana College in 2012.

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Season 2 of Talks at the Desk continues February, 2023

African Descent Ministries of the ELCA celebrates Black History Month with “Talks at the Desk,” a four-part video series that will explore diverse expressions of the church. Watch the trailer here or in this post.

A new video will premiere each Wednesday in February at 6:30pm MST, 5:30 PST. Watch them live on Facebook, stream them on YouTube or download them at

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40 Days of Giving Lent Resources available

The 40 days of Lent are a season to reflect and remember, to look forward and ahead. We invite you to continue your work by connecting your congregation to the church’s global work to end hunger and poverty during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22.

To prepare, visit and download or order resources from ELCA World Hunger today.

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