Posts in ELCA
Linda Post Bushkofsky: Relearning our shared history

On this Independence Day, I encourage us all to spend some time relearning our shared history. Take time to read through five reflections written by Women of the ELCA participants as part of a study of the ELCA Declaration to People of African Descent. Review the Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery, adopted by both the ELCA (in 2016) and affirmed by Women of the ELCA (in 2017). It’s a start.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: July 3, 2022
  • For the apostle Thomas, whose life we commemorate this day: for the courage to name his questions, declare his belief, and for his devotion to Jesus…

  • For those who will gather this weekend to celebrate our nation’s independence…

  • For those affected by recent Supreme Court decisions, and those who feel anxious about precedent…

  • For parents of young children, who now have access to COVID vaccines after waiting for more than a year…

  • For those injured and killed in the Amtrak crash in Missouri, and for their families…

  • For those grieving and appalled at the death of 51 migrants trapped in a truck in Texas…

  • For world leaders looking to bring an end to the war in Ukraine…

  • For those living in Russia who will be most deeply affected by increased economic sanctions…

  • For election workers in this primary season…

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A History of Welcome, A Lutheran Legacy

When war came to Ukraine and desperate people began streaming across the international borders in the frigid days of late winter and early spring, the Rev. Miroslav Mató knew he and the members of his parish would be called upon to help.

Located in Gerlachov, a small village in Slovakia about 200 miles from the Ukrainian border, Rev. Mató and his wife, Rev. Jana Matóva, prepared to offer refuge.

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The Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers: My Freedom Day as a Female, Black and Queer Pastor 

To be a female, Black and gay pastor on “Freedom Day” necessitates a certain amount of introspection, for my relationship with the church has long been a queer dance whose steps I don’t often apprehend.

Galatians 3:28 says: “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Yet this oneness has been elusive in the ELCA and elsewhere, has it not?

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 26, 2022
  • For those grieving, injured, and displaced after the earthquake in Afghanistan, and for all relief and aid efforts…

  • For the people of Ethiopia, as their nation is torn apart by civil war…

  • For those whose lives have been upended by the war in Ukraine, including civilians trapped in their homes, prisoners of war held behind enemy lines, and those grieving loved ones who’ve been killed…

  • For those organizing and attending Pride celebrations…

  • For LGBTQIA+ siblings who cannot yet feel safe coming out…

  • In thanksgiving for the life and work of Clela Rorex, the first county clerk in the U.S. to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, in Boulder in 1975…

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Bishop Eaton: Tell the story in a new way

In the video we shared at our 2022 Synod Assembly, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton urges us to follow Luther's example and use modern tools to spread the gospel, just as Luther shared the good news with the help of Gutenberg's printing press. 500 years ago this year, Martin Luther published his first translation of the New Testament into German vernacular.

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ELCA Worship News: June, 2022

ELCA Worship shares their June news in this newsletter, highlighting All Creation Sings, Spanish resources, and many summer resources and events.

“During the summer months, worship leaders often plan for fall and the next liturgical year. As part of this looking ahead, there can also be an intentional looking back to what has nurtured and shaped your congregation’s worship in the past months.”

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