Posts in ELCA
Devotional: Regenerative Relationships Inspire Advocacy

It can be hard to feel God’s restorative presence in these times. In the midst of violence towards each other and the Earth, I often wonder how the Holy Spirit is realizing God’s promise of resurrection in our lives and in our world.

For me, one answer is with the people and relationships in my life.An opportunity for regenerative relationship in my position as a Hunger Advocacy Fellow comes from my work with the EcoFaith Network of the Northeastern Minnesota Synod.

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Young Adult in Global Mission (YAGM) May 2022 update

The Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program has been paused since early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then the YAGM staff deepened relationships with global partners and asked important questions to shape the future of the program. In a video message, YAGM program director Dan Beirne shares some of what he and the staff learned during that process. We also share a newsletter with more info.

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Hannah Peterson: First, Learn. Next, Do.

I am not a practicing Lutheran. Although many of my relatives and ancestors are, I grew up in a secular family, attending church only for Christmas Eve services and the occasional baptism or funeral. As you might imagine, it was an unusual path that led me to this year of being an ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow, of learning to navigate through new communities, new opportunities and new insights.

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Music that Makes Community in-person and online summer opportunities

MMC is excited to announce an event exploring paperless singing, to take place in Eugene, Ore., on June 25. In preparation for the Annual Conference of the Hymn Society, join us in Washington, D.C., on July 16.

Online programs continue, including the new song-writing workshop “Composing Ourselves,” a webinar with Jorge Lockward exploring creative liturgical composition, Morning Grounding, and more. Visit the MMC website for additional details and to register.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: May 8, 2022
  • For leaders running for elected office as the season for state and local primaries begins, and for all who use their political office to support the welfare of all people

  • With thanksgiving for mothers of all kinds and for all people who provide compassionate care to others…

  • For people for whom Mother’s Day is difficult, including those who are grieving, those in difficult relationship circumstances, or those experiencing infertility…

  • For all wrestling with difficult decisions about pregnancy, parenthood, and childcare…

  • For all people seeking safe, equitable, and empowered access to healthcare…

  • For the beloved memory of the more than 15 million lives lost, directly and indirectly, due to the Covid-19 pandemic…

  • For those battling wildfires in New Mexico, suffering dust storms in Colorado, and cleaning up after tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma…

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Deacon Tammy Jones West: Behind the curtain…

A message from Deacon Tammy Jones West, 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering Program Director…
First, there is no curtain but for a peek into the behind-the-scenes happenings of the ELCA Youth Gathering, let me start with my first few months on staff. Let me introduce you to the people who are called to serve this ministry at the ELCA.

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Faith Lens: Whose Voice Are You Listening To?

“Hindsight is 20/20,” the old saying goes, meaning that it is easier to see the meaning of things when you are looking back. Perhaps that is why today’s gospel reading is a flashback to John 10, a time well before Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is as if to say, now that we have encountered the Risen Jesus, we are finally ready to make sense of what he was saying.

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Participate in listening sessions on Civic Engagement Social Statement

The ELCA Social Statement on Civic Engagement is underway. Let your voice be heard! What issues should be included in the ELCA’s next Social Statement on Church, State, and Civic Participation? What concerns do you have about where the church currently stands on civic engagement, and where should the church be headed?

Learn more on the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona site.

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Courageous Leadership series with ELCA Coaching continues

When Jesus began His ministry, He immediately formed a small group. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we are continuing to offer opportunities to gather in small groups for discussion and empowerment around the prominent topics swirling in the crucible of change for us as faith leaders. Join us May 4, 2022, 11 am (and every Wednesday). The login information can be found on the ELCA Coaching website.

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America observes 35th anniversary

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will observe its 35th anniversary on April 30, 2022. On this date in 1987, the ELCA constitution was adopted during the opening session of the Constituting Convention in Columbus, Ohio.

To symbolize the formation of the new denomination, the bishops from the three predecessor church bodies poured water from separate containers into one baptismal font.

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