Posts in ELCA
Virtual Discernment Event: Are you ready for seminary?

If you know of someone in your synod who is discerning a call to ministry and might like to hear from all the ELCA seminaries in one space, please encourage them to attend a collaborative ELCA Seminaries virtual discernment event on Saturday, May 7th from 8 am - 1 pm MST/PDT, 9am-noon MDT. Register here.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: May 1, 2022
  • For the protection of people and all creatures in the path of wildfires in New Mexico, Arizona, and Nebraska…

  • For Ukrainian refugees, displaced internally and internationally, and for all refugees of armed conflict throughout the world…

  • With thanksgiving for the gifts of Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and throughout society…

  • For our Muslim neighbors celebrating Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of their Ramadan fast…

  • For synods, their leaders, and their bishops as synod assemblies begin to gather…

  • For all who were baptized or who affirmed their baptisms at Easter…

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Faith Lens: Glimpse of the Kingdom

The Easter season is seven weeks long. Nearly every week the gospel lesson includes disciples encountering Jesus and failing to recognize him. This week’s gospel encounter is crammed with significance. There is a miracle and allusions to Peter’s failure to stand firm during the horrible events of Holy Week, as Jesus asks him repeatedly, “Do you love me.” Both are important and theologically significant, yet by focusing on them we may miss what is most significant. Namely, Jesus is in the world today if we have eyes to see.

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Ryan LaHurd: Identity and Relationship in Arab-American Culture

In his Daily Meditation of February 6 on 1 Corinthians 12, Rev. Richard Rohr writes “Humanity consistently has to face the problem of unity and diversity. We’re not very good at understanding it. We habitually choose our smaller groups, because we don’t know how to belong to a larger group. That demands too much letting go.”

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Spanish resources available at Sundays and Seasons

All Creation Sings includes a fully bilingual setting of Holy Communion (Setting 11/Liturgia 11). To support use of this liturgy as well as Evangelical Lutheran Worship Setting Seven: Santa Comunión, Sundays and Seasons now provides many more hymns and songs in Spanish.

Most hymns from Libro de Liturgia y Cántico are available for download to Deluxe subscribers. Service music (#181-274) is available to both Standard and Deluxe subscribers.

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Building an Anti-Racism Team: Next Faithful Steps

The ELCA European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice (EDLARJ) hosts a webinar series entitled Building an Anti-Racism Team: Next Faithful Steps on three upcoming Wednesdays: 9/7/2022, 10/5/2022, and 11/2/2022. Register in advance here. More info at and Facebook event.

This series is for anybody in the ELCA, specifically interested in connecting with other folks building or working at a synod, campus or congregational anti-racist team.

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Introducing “A Declaration of the ELCA to the Muslim Community”

On March 31st, 2022, the ELCA Church Council adopted “A Declaration of the ELCA to the Muslim Community,” uplifting our commitment to friendship and solidarity with our Muslim neighbors.

The idea that the ELCA should develop “A Declaration to the Muslim Community” has been around for some time, especially since the Reformation commemorations of 2017, when there was renewed focus in a variety of forums on Luther’s attitudes toward the religious Other.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: April 24, 2022
  • For people facing violence in the Donbas region of Ukraine…

  • For Orthodox Christians celebrating Easter this week…

  • For interfaith peace and understanding as people of different faiths observe this holy time of year…

  • For wisdom and compassion to treasure and preserve our planet, God’s own beloved creation…

  • For our Jewish neighbors as they observe Yom HaShoah and for people facing genocide throughout the world…

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How do we ask—and answer—the big questions?

Several years ago I was having an over-the-fence conversation with my neighbor. My garden lay at the edge of my property line, and her children’s play set stood at the edge of hers, so we’d exchange chitchat now and again as neighbors do.

On this afternoon, she peeked over the pickets and said somewhat breathlessly, “Anna, today I had to take my daughter out of our Baptist day care and put her in the Lutheran one.”

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TuneUp: A way to recruit singers by teaching them to match pitch

ALCM Webinar Series “TuneUp: A Way to Recruit Singers by Teaching Them to Match Pitch,”
Friday,4/29/2022, 11am MST/PDT, 12pm MDT.

The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians invites you to join its webinar to “help people sing with confidence.” This session offers ways to “recruit people to TuneUp” as well as useful techniques to get them to quickly and easily match pitch.” Register as part of the spring or full-year webinar series.

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Faith reflections: Theology and resistance to climate change

Resurrection – new life out of death – is built into the natural world—the interdependent life cycles of plants and animals living together in ecosystems mirror resurrection. How can our faith help us care for creation?

Read the article by LeeAnn Pomrenke in Café, a publication of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA).

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A Holy Confluence: A Reminder of our Interconnection

For the first time in decades we are witnessing a confluence of significant religious holy days and cultural traditions during the month of April. Kristen L. Opalinski shares her thoughts in Perspectives, a new ELCA ecumenical and inter-religious blog. She also shares these links:

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: April 17, 2022
  • For loved ones of the six million people who have died of Covid-19 around the world…

  • For our Jewish neighbors, siblings in God’s covenant, observing Passover…

  • For the people who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine and for refugees seeking safety everywhere…

  • For victims and loved ones of those affected by the subway shooting in New York…

  • For people living in poverty and all who are struggling to pay their bills…

  • For farmers and farmworkers as they plant their fields for the coming season…

  • For the preservation and renewal of the earth, God’s creation entrusted to us…

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