Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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ELCA Foundation's giving tip and verse for February, 2023

Our synod’s ELCA Foundation planners—Lisa Higginbotham and Josh Kerney—share a monthly bible verse and charitable giving tip. This month’s verse is Galatians 6:6-10, and we explore planned giving.

What is Planned Giving?

Also known as Legacy Planning, Estate Planning, and Gift Planning, Planned Giving is a proactive action of love and consideration to include our beloved charities and congregations in our end-of-life plans. 

In this planning, you consider how your remaining assets could benefit your loved ones and your charities after you pass. Gift planning empowers you to make decisions that could have a larger impact than ever imagined possible. Your plans and charitable heart are unique to you and deserve personal consideration.

Whether you have much to give or a small amount to share, your beloved organizations can benefit from a gift plan. We recognize these topics can be “scary” or “complicated”!  All gifts are appreciated, no matter their amount, to our congregations, Synod, and the ministries we serve. 

We have resources for your navigation of these strategies through our Regional Gift Planners, Lisa Higginbotham and Josh Kerney. Click either name to contact them.

Lisa Marie Higginbotham
ELCA Foundation planner
Contact Lisa Marie here.

Josh Kerney
ELCA Foundation planner
Contact Josh here.