The Church Mutual Insurance Company’s Risk Reporter quarterly newsletter provides tips and insights to help you recognize exposures and implement risk control solutions at your facility.

ELCA Endorsement of Church Mutual Insurance Company

(May 1, 2008) On behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Office of the Secretary in consultation with the Office of the Treasurer has selected Church Mutual Insurance Company as the underwriter of the ELCA-Endorsed Property and Liability Insurance Program for Congregations and Synods and Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs (HRH) as its brokerage representative.

The decision to move the program to Church Mutual, which is effective immediately, was based on the goal to provide ELCA congregations and synods  with quality insurance protection and enhanced customer service.  It also allows ELCA to take advantage of the more than 111 years of experience Church Mutual has in the religious marketplace.

Church Mutual has earned its exceptional reputation as a specialist insuring churches and related organizations by understanding the unique needs of each congregation it serves. New congregational and synod policyholders get the added benefit of a custom, on-site insurance needs analysis to help ensure the best possible coverage.

You may find additional information regarding the ELCA-Endorsed Church Mutual Property and Liability Insurance Program for Congregations and Synods at