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Lament and Accountability: Weekly online gathering for ELCA leaders

You are invited to join weekly meetings designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders in all realms. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in the time of COVID-19, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation.

The Zoom link each week will be posted on the home page of ELCA Coaching, where you’ll also find recordings from each week.

Join us on June 17 for a time of Lament and Accountability. We will be joined by the following gifted presenters: 

Judith E. B. Roberts, ELCA Director for Racial Justice Ministries and author of How to talk to kids about race, identifies as a Black woman and knows what everyday racism and sexism feels like. She reminds us: "Our ELCA Baptismal covenant calls us '…to serve all people, following the example of Jesus; and Strive for justice and peace in all the earth.' Confronting racism isn’t easy. Especially when it involves people that we like, love or live next door. If you see or hear something…say something. Let them know how their words or actions made you feel and that you don’t respond to messages that devalue and cause harm. If you see something online, flag it. Let social media platforms know that everyone should feel safe online. Lastly, we don’t have to do this alone. Time and time again members across this church have shown up for racial justice. We have marched together for #BlackLivesMatter. We’ve stood shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors. We’ve accompanied migrant minors at the southern border. We’ve condemned white supremacy and declared ourselves a sanctuary denomination. We have been here before….now, let’s do it again." 

Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, offers spiritual direction and coaching, support and accompaniment for leaders, activists, organizers, healers, and anyone longing to "heal-the-whole" on any level. Grounded in a liberative Christian faith, Solveig also brings experience with shamanic healing, wisdom from Buddhist teachings, and a deep appreciation for indigenous worldviews and all life-giving spiritualities and faith practices. She is committed to practices that cultivate courage and joy, deep-feeling and open-heartedness, humility and fierceness, tenacity and imagination in the struggle for healing and wholeness. Solveig received her Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School in 1994, where she studied feminist liberation biblical interpretation. She was ordained in the Lutheran Church (ELCA) in 1996 and received her certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction from Namasté with Sister Pat McCrann in 1997. Since then, Solveig has been a spiritual director and grief ritual leader; pastor of a Lutheran Church and founding pastor of the Wilderness Way Community; climate justice activist / organizer / teacher and leadership coach through EcoFaith Recovery; as well as an author and musician who LOVES dancing, Zumba and reading. She is currently working toward her Professional Coaching Certification (PCC) focusing on accompanying people in the many ways we experience death and grief throughout our lives.

Dr. Don Eisenhauer, founder of Coaching at End of Life, LLC. He is a pastor and a Master Certified Coach (accredited by the International Coach Federation). He is the author of the books Coaching at End of Life and Coach Yourself Through Grief. Don has a passion to help people live fully until they die. He enjoys teaching and equipping coaches, hospice workers, funeral directors, clergy, friends and family members to better support and care for the dying and grieving in their midst. Don comes to the field of coaching with a wealth of practical and educational experience in end of life care, including:

  • 15 years of pastoral ministry

  • 19 years as a hospice chaplain, grief care specialist, and grief support group facilitator

  • an End of Life Coach for a Funeral Home

  • a doctorate in counseling

  • ongoing seminars/presentations on end of life issues

He is also the co-founder of the Bereavement Management Group, providing software to help in the care of the grieving.