
Sue Jensen

Congregational Membership: Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, Sunrise Conference

Education/training: Bachelor of Mathematics and Master of Mathematics Education, University of Minnesota

Occupation: Retired; taught mathematics at community colleges in MN, CA, and AZ

Life Experiences: I am a life-long Lutheran. I have served churches in Minnesota, California and Arizona in many capacities, including council member, Sunday School and VBS coordinator/teacher, PreSchool/Kindergarten board member, youth group leader, offering counter, altar guild member, Day of Service coordinator, and Creation Care worker. I have been married to Ralph for 53 years. I have helped to raise three responsible adult children and have cared for elderly parents at the end of their lives. I have a much better idea now of Christian service than ever before.

Related Activities:

  • I have served on multiple church councils.

  • I served as a voting member from the Grand Canyon Synod to the 2016 Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans - a remarkable experience.

  • I am a current member of the Grand Canyon Synod Council; I served on the Bishop's Election Committee in 2018 and am now a member of the synod's Grants Committee.

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